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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/OppositeTaste7747 on 2024-09-17 16:59:29+00:00.

Setting aside other controversial topics, is it possible to use software to cause a lithium ion battery to explode? Or, are current batteries manufactured in a way, e.g. hardware designs, that make it impossible? What can I do to make sure a bad actor can’t turn my phone into a bomb?

It isn’t clear from the Wikipedia article:

It seems that there are some safety measures, but it isn’t clear if they can work fast enough to stop an explosion.

Most of the time low level software, firmware/bios/whatever is designed to make it so these things can’t happen. It seems to me that it might be possible for malicious code to do … something … to the point where maybe the battery could explode.