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The original was posted on /r/learnjapanese by /u/kugkfokj on 2024-12-22 15:09:55+00:00.
I’ve been studying Japanese for 5 years and I’m N3 at best (I did the exam in December, I don’t know if I passed it yet).
My daily routine:
- Flashcards: 15-30 minutes.
- Grammar flashcards: 15-30 minutes.
- Reading: 15 minutes.
- Watching stuff: 30 minutes (mix of JA+EN and JA+JA).
- Conversation: 30 minutes.
- Listening: 20 minutes.
I feel I should be progressing much faster. Moreover, my retention for vocabulary is abysmal (maybe 60% on the average session; I do my flashcards on JPDB). What am I doing wrong?
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