Centrist, progressive, radical optimist. Geophysicist, R&D, Planetary Scientist and general nerd in Winnipeg, Canada.
troyunrau.ca (personal)
lithogen.ca (business)
All I’m hearing is complaining. It’s open source. Fix mate then so it does what you want.
Duck typing is the best if fully embraced. But it also means you have to worry just a little bit about clean failures once the project grows a little. I like this better than type checking relentlessly.
It also means that your test suite or doctests or whatever should throw some unexpected types around now and again to check how it handles ducks and chickens and such :)
How did you switch to Azerbaijan?
Well, that’s on mate then. In KDE you could remap to a combo of your choice with ease
The ideal result? LLMs are just early versions of much better things that come later.
The unlikely result: we develop a separate human curated internet somewhere, complete with verification that a human wrote every bit. Basically verifiable digital id and signing on everything. Maybe.
The probable result: the internet turns to shit as AIs are trained on content created by AIs.
I don’t use mate, but assuming that it has a file manager and that file manager has hotkeys that conform to the muscle memory that is built using other file managers… Try it and see what happens?
All this shows is that other countries (China, etc.) will have carte blanche if they have nukes. If they don’t, they’ll get them. Imagine a nuclear armed Venezuela going after their neighbours because conventional intervention is too risky suddenly. Blah.
They’d probably gerrymander them, sadly
Yeah, this is the real question
Have a wiki rabbit hole: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_secession_movements
But perhaps more interesting, the annexation of Texas to the US initially allowed Texas to be split into four additional states. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_divisionism – imagine all those extra senators popping up today if Texas decided to execute on that agreement.
How is their funding?
Mass Effect 1 citadel
Atwood is also one of the sanest centrist voices I’ve ever read, in essays and interviews. (Centrist by Canadian standards – probably quite left by US standards). She always seems to be acutely aware of institutional inertia and how things like independent courts are vital to free societies. Wish there were more like her.
Everything else went up due to tariffs
The tops of the clouds on the night side of Venus are about -45°C. So it’s not actually glowing like the image implies. But in infrared, you can reprocess the colours to make a delightful image like the above.
Well, I know you’re implying the greenhouse gases will kill us all. And that might be true, but probably not in ten years.
My bananas are mouldy and I don’t know why
The thing is that the party conceding here actually trusts the election process. And Trump most definitely won the electoral college.
Even if he ends up losing the popular vote eventually, it doesn’t really matter. The system is rigged and has always been rigged in favour of land over people.
Canadian observer. Two things, and I think they’re related effects.
Harris is a minority and a woman. The Democrats were convinced they were the party that minorities would automatically vote for. But what they failed to realize was that those same minorities are misogynistic as hell. Like, have you ever been to a Baptist wedding? If you ask them what the role of a woman is…
The US is also the only first world country where the birthrate is above replacement. But if you look at who are having children, you’ll find that it skews conservative. And they’re passing those values along.
Generally speaking, I like duck typing for function inputs, but not as much for function outputs (unless the functions are pure mathematics).