Deleting a post is simply marking a piece of text so nobody sees it, but I think the text is still stored in their servers.

Furthermore, a large company like reddit, must backup regularly, meaning there must be several copies of my posts in several SSDs. If the backup once a day… some of my posts are 5 years old.

Companies exist to make money. I suspect they just marked my posts not to be readable by anyone, except staff and they can still monetize them.

Am I wearing a tinfoil hat way too often?

    6 months ago

    I used Power Delete Suite but I had to modify it a bit to put in a delay of about 30-45 seconds for each comment as I was editing the text for each one prior to deleting.

    Took quite a while, but in the end my account was gone. I’m sure reddit could pull stuff from it if they really wanted, but no user facing options exist - even “deleted reddit comment viewers”.

    Edit: I will say that I’m unsure if this still works (or any editing tools) because of the API changes.

        16 months ago

        Awesome! Make sure to double check some of the comments that they were all updated/deleted. Without a delay mine has trouble and missed a few

      6 months ago

      I put in quotes about spez and greed and let it fly.

      Edit: Oh and I did not delete my account (I had many) because I wanted to circle back to see what they restored. Only a handful ever were. I hand-edited them with more derision and left them.