Britain’s top diplomat said Thursday that his country could officially recognize a Palestinian state after a cease-fire in Gaza without waiting for the outcome of what could be years-long talks between Israel and the Palestinians on a two-state solution.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron, speaking to The Associated Press during a visit Thursday to Lebanon intended to tamp down regional tensions, said no recognition could come while Hamas remained in Gaza, but that it could take place while Israeli negotiations with Palestinian leaders were continuing.

U.K. recognition of an independent state of Palestine, including in the United Nations, “can’t come at the start of the process, but it doesn’t have to be the very end of the process,” said Cameron, a former British prime minister.

    • athos77
      405 months ago

      He also fucked over the entire country, the people, it’s businesses and economy, by arranging the vote for Brexit.

      • Zorque
        165 months ago

        The internet never let’s facts get in the way of memeing about people.

          5 months ago

          You’re right, we should go with verifiable facts.

          Just a reminder, this is the guy that promised a Brexit vote to stop his party from splitting in half, actually followed through with that promise, and pikachu faced when he got outplayed by his own party’s propaganda machine, then ran away to leave everybody else to deal with the mess.

      • Echo Dot
        25 months ago

        You’re correct there is no evidence, and in fact the people who published the story (not even journalists just people trying to write a scandalous book) eventually retracted it.

        However it’s stuck because it’s the sort of thing they probably would do. The Tories are like that.

        It annoys me though because there’s many many many many many reasons to criticize him, and a potentially untrue story isn’t one of them. Even if he’d actually done it, it would have probably been the least worst thing he’s done, but people repeat it because it’s funny. Unlike the other stuff which is just depressing.

        • theinspectorst
          5 months ago

          Reminder also that whilst it’s a very fun story, this claim was:

          a. written as part of a hit job by two right-wing Brexiter journalists in the run-up to the referendum as part of a wider effort by the right to discredit the centrist establishment in the months before the vote (see also: Work and Pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith resigning from Cameron’s cabinet in protest at the work and pensions policies he had conceived and implemented over the previous six years…); and

          b. never substantiated by any evidence that those two Brexiter journalists were willing or able to provide, despite them claiming in the book there was a photo.

          The 2016 Brexit referendum was the dirtiest election in living memory in the UK. It was plagued by fake news and Russian interference. Isabella Oakshott herself is known to have covered up evidence of Putin’s links to the Brexit campaign and her domestic partner is literally the current leader of Reform UK (the party formerly known as Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party). She is not a credible or impartial figure.

          There are totally things Cameron should be criticised for over his time in government, but that is no excuse to parrot Brexiter (and possibly Russian) fake news that was designed to discredit moderates and favour the far-right.

            5 months ago

            The thing is and I get you and everything, but, Black Mirror’s first episode (S01e01 The National Anthem) was about a Prime Minister fucking a pig was shown on TV before the allegations came out soo yeah…

            • Echo Dot
              15 months ago

              Yes with a totally different context to it. I highly doubt the two things are linked.

                • Echo Dot
                  15 months ago

                  Well that’s going to be citation needed because there’s never been any evidence that this was true.

                  Why make things up? The guys enough of a twat as it is without making things up

                    05 months ago

                    You understand the fact that anyone putting it o to paper or public speech would have to prove that they knew? Noone was gonna put their head above the parapets. It’s like you’re basic and fail to understand the nuance involved in politics.