• @AnarchoDakosaurus@toast.ooo
    209 months ago

    Must not have spent much time in crypto spaces. I would say they trend along the lines of Joe Rogan fans, but they are definitely more " bro libertarian " then leftist if anything.

    There are some leftists who are into crypto currencies, but by and large most of the crypto space is dominated by anti game stop bois,investors, business moguls, drug dealers and small business owners.

    Not exactly a huge overlap with leftist ideals there.

    • @tony@lemmy.hoyle.me.uk
      149 months ago

      Back in the day when I was briefly into bitcoin (for the mining, which was still possible back then using GPUs) the bitcoin.org forums were mostly populated by americans who were sticking it to ‘the fed’ and had a deep distrust of authority. Some of them were seriously unhinged… I didn’t hang around there for long - only so much crazy I can cope with.

      When I saw the people in silly costumes storming the whitehouse on TV that’s exactly the kind of person I can imagine was posting on the bitcoin forums.