When you browse this website information, including IP, browser user agent and fedipub metadata, is sent to this site. If you make an account with us, we may store your email address if you supply it, and it may be used for appropriate purposes (account verification emails, password resets, etc.) We may use all information for reasonable purposes, such a spam prevention. We may also store some form or derivative of your password. You should use a suitably strong password, and not re-use passwords across sites. If you would like your data stored here to be deleted, please contact an admin, or email us. Be aware that as this site uses ActivityPub, public posts can and will propogate to other sites in the Fediverse. This means while we can delete our copy, public posts may remain on other sites. You must be over 18 to use this site. You may not post content that is pornographic in nature.
Complaints about moderation decisions can either be raised publicly by the futurology.today community or via Discord. Complaints can be raised privately by direct messaging one of the admin either through the inbuilt direct messaging system or by direct messaging on Discord, both of which are accessible from an admin’s profile page.
We make no promises to carry any content or accounts and reserve the right to remove either for whatever reasons we see fit. You have a right to claim breach of contract if we remove or restrict access to content you created, or we suspend your account, in breach of these terms of service.
#Illegal content
We, the admins of futurology.today, will try to the best of our abilities to remove illegal content as soon as it’s made aware to us. Users can report illegal content through the inbuilt reporting functionality, or reach out on Discord or through direct messages.
We do not use proactive technology to identify illegal content.
#Terrorism content
Content that seeks to glorify or in any way build support for prescribed terrorist organisation will be swiftly taken down and accounts will be suspended.
#CSEA content
Content that depicts or glorifies child sexual exploitation will be swiftly taken down and accounts will be suspended. Other priority illegal content
Content that engages in any of the offences laid out in Section 7 of the Online Safety Act will be swiftly taken down and accounts will be suspended.