I mean the one you do when you want something easy to do, but not when you’re tired at the point you microwave a frozen-meal, or just cut down a piece of cheese and put it in a bread

    • @CanadaPlus
      26 months ago

      No, actually. I guess somebody still makes them? I heard they went out of fashion because they were really bad, but I’d give it a try for the sake of completeness.

      I’ve had chickens before and enjoyed the little bastards, so that’s actually not a downside for me.

        • @CanadaPlus
          26 months ago

          I guess not, in the shelf storage sense. Lettuce growing in a pot isn’t either that way. You don’t have to ship in anything nonperishable to keep them going, though, which for the purposes of dealing with a fucked supply chain (my situation) is good enough.