• RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
    2 months ago


    I’m just going to say it. They can’t put Harris up. Not because she’s lacking in any political skills, she isn’t, but there are far too many swing voters that will sit on their hands or vote for trump if the Dems try to put up a woman who also happens to be African American as the nominee. There’s still too much prejudice and misogyny that wants an old white man over anyone else. She’s been far too quiet as VP to build any sort of following. The press will pull a Hillary on her, the clueless SJW in the Dems will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory because they’d rather have a woman run than win an election. I’ll vote for anyone they put up, but I sure as hell hope they can put someone up that the swing voters will show up for too.