Oh don’t worry. They believe it’s man made, just not in the way you want.
“Democrats are creating hurricanes to kill republicans”
“Climate change isn’t man-made”
“It’s not a lie, if you believe it.”
Other comments are wrong to blame this on “stupidity” instead of corrupt profit seeking incentives.
Right. They’re a lot of things, but stupid isn’t one of those things.
The system works not only as planned, but as excruciatingly maintained - it takes so much work to keep this clusterfuck alive at peak status quo of financial gains & wealth accumulation.
Would be nice if they could at least blame god. They’d rather blame drag queens for upsetting god.
Good lord. Imagine a perfect being this perpetually angry over their own creation against the grand backdrop of the universe.
I agree with you, but I just want to point out that I’m gradually trying to cut out phrases like " good Lord " from my vocabulary and it’s been a struggle. Please consider good Lucifer, good golly Ms Molly, or good Cthulhu instead. Have a nice day.
Great SpongeBob in a pineapple under the sea that’s gonna be hard to keep those words out of common dialogue.
I’m pretty sure if God is upset at anyone, it’s the people claiming he’s upset at drag queens. But that’s just my own limited understanding, and I do not claim to know the mind of God.
I mean obviously depends on the god… but if we are going with the judeo christian god. He does a lot of insane things for very little.
Floods the earth for being evil
Kids mock a bald man… God sends a pack of bears to kill them.
Woman turns around and glances at her home town being destroyed, turned to salt.
Quite simply god of the old testament bible is pretty all over the place on what he’ll punish large swaths of people for. Though while I’d note he didn’t worry much on collateral damage. He didn’t miss his targets (IE… sure I could see the god of the bible letting a hurricane kill millions in the bible belt on it’s way to hit LA or New York… but doesn’t seem those storms have a great track record of reaching the people they think god wants to punish.
Kids mock a bald man… God sends a pack of bears to kill them.
People are generally ignorant and stupid.
Neat, huh?
It must be the asshole druid.
They have already done that, that’s how capitalism works. No course of action can get back from corps those trillions in profits they made for their shareholders, or make them reverse the damages an order of magnitude bigger than that.
When I grew up evangelical, I was told that it didn’t matter because god was going to renew the earth when he shows up any second now.
That’s what they believe, that climate change is a distraction and we shouldn’t worry cause god will just medically deal with it
Renew? Like exactly as it was in late Cretaceous?
That suxs, we all know Earth peaked mid Permian. I want the glory days.
Yup. Which is why we need to bring back the guillotine.
The proper one, I really don’t want to see any plastic parts.
Some people believe that God writes destiny, meaning that industrialization is an act of God
Its the right of corporations, as people, to be able to believe what they choose without being discriminated against
If God made people in his image and people are also corporations, then that means God is a corporation?
Omg, and since corps are legally people god is just some dude? Not a stranger on the bus, but a polluter on a private plane?
So not like bring out the 9" nails kind, the oil megacorp shareholder megarich kind.
So eat the rich is just a religious ceremony we must follow.
Ok, sounds like a (gods) plan.
Well Jesus said it is easier for a camel to pass through an eye of a needle than a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. Does that mean God can’t enter heaven? Maybe they can start selling indulgences again.
Yes, thats where the god-money scam/loophole comes in!
He’s just gonna give it to himself!
I know it’s technically a usable defense, but how often is the Act of God defense actually ruled? From what I understand, it rarely works, and you’d have a better chance with any other defense. Has it been successfully used recently?
This is true if we ignore monotheism and go with one of the -isms where humanity is god.
David J. Darling, renown astrophysicist, proposed that we are actually God, capital G. That we evolve into a universal collective God consciousness and reach back through time to create ourselves.