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The original was posted on /r/maliciouscompliance by /u/Affectionate-Leg-260 on 2024-12-24 05:11:51+00:00.
I work in an operation center that is manned 24/7 365. Hurricanes, ice storms, chemical releases were staffed. Out of nowhere the comptroller is afraid that we are skimming hours since we don’t clock in, we just put 12 hours on our time card. Now we have to clock in on the phone app and then use two part authentication to log on to the computer. We have to hit the ground running so to speak, everyone shows up 15 minutes early to understand the situation and be ready to go. After we are relieved we hang around to ensure that everything is understood and running smoothly. Since my schedule is 4/4 I get an extra hour of OT that I was doing for free.