Assume you never get tired of the pleasure in heaven, and you never get used to the torture in hell.
Lmao this is such a stupid scenario, but I love putting incomprehensibly large numbers in absurd contexts like this. Like yeah, no brainer that infinity is vastly incomprehsibly largererer than Graham’s number, of course nothing is worth going to hell that long for.
But uh, Graham’s numbers is a lot of years. For all intents and purposes it’s just never coming compared to the characteristic time scale of human thought.
Everything you did in heaven would be tainted by the thought it’s all temporary and turning into eventual eternal torture
Ironically the Augustinian position of all things we love. Their transient nature means that love is always tainted by the fear of losing it.
Yeah I feel like a significant portion of my heaven experience would be spent worrying about going to hell in a billion billion years
I get it, that’s kind of my every waking moment writ large since truly understanding my mortality