Way, way too many websites. I have to research all of them just to use one? I have choice paralysis! The corporations are right, I shouldn’t be trusted to make decisions for myself, and the internet should be like cable.

    • Stovetop@lemmy.world
      28 days ago

      The Biden FCC briefly brought it back but it was quickly killed by a Bush-appointed judge based on the conservative majority Supreme Court’s ruling on Loper Bright v. Raimondo which ended the practice of Chevron Deference.

      Chevron Deference was a policy that allowed federal agencies to be the interpreters of ambiguous regulations, and in this particular case the uncertainty was whether or not the internet counted as a “utility” akin to electricity and water. The updated interpretation is that the FCC doesn’t have the right to treat the internet as a utility if it is not explicitly defined as a utility by law, so net neutrality was killed.

      There is still hope that a later, more progressive Congress and administration could pass regulation declaring the internet to be a utility, or that a later court could change their minds on that interpretation, but for now it’s not looking good.