I’m getting my concealed carry license in about 3 weeks. Are there any companies that offer concealed carry insurance that don’t donate to political campaigns or PACs?
Edit: missed the word “don’t”
Only in america could you need a gun to protect yourself and an insurance policy to protect you from the consequences of carrying a gun.
The cherry on the cake was when somebody stated the legal bill could be as high as a medical bill.
lol yeah I laughed at the medical bill comparison, too. I don’t generally find myself in situations where I really feel like I need a gun, but I at least want the option. I just don’t want to end up on the wrong side of a wrongful death suit or something without a lawyer.
If it ever came to needing a lawyer, I can find one (neighbor is a very good defense lawyer and a really decent guy). I did consider getting some type of coverage initially, but decided not to. My concern with paying for CC insurance is that, like medical insurance, they’ll happily take your money then probably find a reason to deny you when you need it. “Sorry, but you didn’t call for prior authorization before you discharged your firearm. You unfortunately are not covered for this incident. Oh, and as a reminder, your next premium payment is due at the end of the month…”
I’ve had my permit for ages and ages. Like 23 years or so. I’ve not carried insurance.
Idk that I would
You carry it so you don’t end up with a lawyer bill the size of a medical bill. That’s the only reason most of us have it.
That’s really what I’m concerned about. I’m not some trigger happy maniac, but if I’m forced to defend myself or my family I don’t want to end up destitute because of it.