• rottingleaf@lemmy.world
    18 hours ago

    Weird kind of Christian in your book or not, it’s true.

    It’s not my book, but Christians are supposed to have read that book and know what the Christian faith is.

    Otherwise they are a fan group.

    BTW, what do your parents think of cremation, are they aware that in Christian faith that makes one’s resurrection in the Apocalypse impossible?

    OK, I guess it’s not very useful, I think if I walk to a church and ask people passing through the entrance what their symbol of faith is, I won’t get many good answers. If I provide them with a few real variants, they’ll likely choose those of other Christian confessions. And if I ask those same people on schisms and heresies, they’ll be very intolerant of heretics.

    • Rymrgand's Daughter @lemmy.world
      7 hours ago

      If you think American Evangelicals can read their own holy book and that not reading or comprehending it has stopped them you’re either not from here or living under heavy drugs.

    • Suite404@lemmy.world
      12 hours ago

      Again, it doesn’t matter what you think, it matters what they think. People can read the same thing and come to very different conclusions. Christians shouldn’t be supporting a person like Trump if they follow the new testament, but here we are. You’re demanding logic where there is little to none.

      • rottingleaf@lemmy.world
        11 hours ago

        OK, I agree with that.

        It’s just funny that their understanding of Christianity is much more diverse (and removed from what’s supposed to be true in their own churches) than it would be possibly allowable in times when religion was actually important in European societies.

        I mean, if you were a dirty peasant goat farmer covered in rags, nobody would care even if you praised Odin.

        But if you were a free man able to read, even more a learned man (irrelevant though), and were heard saying the smallest thing of what these people casually say, that meant problems. Not even with law.