No need to remove the URL tracking parameters manually. 🥳
Semi-off-topic, but is there anything like a smarter clipboard on Android that can remove tracking details on paste (would be different from a plain paste)?
Firefox user for many, many, many years. I tried chrome once and was dismayed at how sluggish it was, hogging ram & cpu.
FF just gets better and better with every update. I’m amazed that more people aren’t using it.
They should make this the default.
Or a setting that makes it the default.
I don’t like any software I use to destroy data (even tracking data) without my say so.
Hmm, I agree with you 100%, but power of defaults is how big companies get average consumers. Maybe Firefox should make it default with a setting to turn it on?
A setting titled “allow copying of tracking data”, a lot of people won’t allow.
Fight fire with fire.
Is there an about:config setting to make this the default action or are we gonna have to be patient for that?
I looked for it in about:config, but I couldn’t narrow it down and see which parameter it was (if it’s even in there at all yet).
Also searching for this answer.
I’m curious whether this sweet feature alone will decrease data greedy websites revenue in $ millions