Ah, it ain’t that old unfortunately! It’s ok, but nothing special. I do a lot of metalwork, so it makes sense to have a dirty one and a clean one. The dirty one has channels in the table for coolant too, so that’s definitely staying in the metalwork shop, and if I can find a small a small radial arm drill then I’ll build a nice big table for that with a proper fence for that.
Wood worker here. Clean up the old one. It will work better and last longer than any new tool.
Ah, it ain’t that old unfortunately! It’s ok, but nothing special. I do a lot of metalwork, so it makes sense to have a dirty one and a clean one. The dirty one has channels in the table for coolant too, so that’s definitely staying in the metalwork shop, and if I can find a small a small radial arm drill then I’ll build a nice big table for that with a proper fence for that.