Does ActivityPub send those to other instances, or does ActivityPub only send the original post and the rest (upvotes, downvotes, replies) are stored only on the original server where the post was made?
Does ActivityPub send those to other instances, or does ActivityPub only send the original post and the rest (upvotes, downvotes, replies) are stored only on the original server where the post was made?
Here is a screencast of what happens to my 2 core server when I post something -
I run a single user instance, more or less, so there is little chance of some other user causing this load.
Some of it will be due to the way Kbin is built but I believe any software using ActivityPub to communicate will run into similar issues sooner or later, especially with network traffic usage.
Completly off-topic, but what’s that dope af htop replacement?
Looks like btop