I went to highschool with him. We hung in the same crowd of nerds and geeks. Not sure if he’s changed as an adult, but back then he was extremely introverted. Hung out at a couple of parties in his parent’s basement (where he started his shareware empire) and he spent the whole time on his computer. Should he ever write his memoirs I suspect they would focus mostly on his business life and his anti-trust efforts against various companies.
Yeah, I’ve read interviews with him from years ago, before FortNite, when UnReal was just catching on. He’s very focused on what he can make and what others can make with the tools he’s built. I think that’s pretty cool, is all.
No doubt - his focus has built some really cool stuff. He always struck me as a decent sort and his fight on behalf of the little guy when it comes to percentages paid to Steam, Apple, and his own Epic shows that too.
I went to highschool with him. We hung in the same crowd of nerds and geeks. Not sure if he’s changed as an adult, but back then he was extremely introverted. Hung out at a couple of parties in his parent’s basement (where he started his shareware empire) and he spent the whole time on his computer. Should he ever write his memoirs I suspect they would focus mostly on his business life and his anti-trust efforts against various companies.
Yeah, I’ve read interviews with him from years ago, before FortNite, when UnReal was just catching on. He’s very focused on what he can make and what others can make with the tools he’s built. I think that’s pretty cool, is all.
No doubt - his focus has built some really cool stuff. He always struck me as a decent sort and his fight on behalf of the little guy when it comes to percentages paid to Steam, Apple, and his own Epic shows that too.