This, I’ve just installed it this week and I think it’s better than Google (though I’m suspicious of the “free” service.
He/Him… just in case.
I’m from Earth, ya know, that thing that keeps getting effed because of greed and unaccountability… I like the middle, not the radical left or right, some things may be tough and make sense, others are up to individuals. Be free, let others be.
This, I’ve just installed it this week and I think it’s better than Google (though I’m suspicious of the “free” service.
I live in a shitty house from the 50s in Poland, poorly insulated AND I walk around the house on a t-shirt if I want… the problem is the energy I have to spend. Heat-pumps are not a miracle if your house is poorly insulated.
Let’s be clear in one thing:
That’s it. Everything in the Universe, including you, has a “price” on energy. Now outside of all crony-capitalism craziness, we should all consider having a open, distributed, fair price Internet and it’s resources.
I’m calling Louis.
Portuguese here:
Of course there’s black market and use by shady actors…
As for people’s personal relationship with guns, most people doesn’t care to have one as there’s not much violent crime to justify said behavior.
Correction, Europe must hurry to develop itself and don’t rely on US for anything, US is lost. It’s just crony capitalism and dumb people these days.