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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • all of the words you listed that use a soft g are loanwords from other languages (pretty sure they’re all french) soooo…yeah. no wonder those have different pronunciation.

    when you look at anglo-saxon words the difference becomes clear:

    • gift
    • graveyard
    • ground
    • gay

    all hard g’s.

    mixing up languages is the common denominator here.

    the G in GIF stands for graphical, neither english nor french in origin, hence the confusion about pronunciation.

    alternatively; English is a terrible mess, and the only “correct” pronunciation is reached through general consensus. if the majority pronounces something a certain way, that’s how it should be pronounced.

  • you don’t have a choice when it comes to data collection:

    if it’s allowed literally every manufacturer WILL do it!

    see: the exact situation we’re currently in!!

    so, no, you don’t have a choice (other than buying an older model).

    this isn’t how “the market” does anything.

    there’s no downside to outlawing spyware in cars.

    and it hasn’t made anything cheaper, what the hell kind of cope is that??

  • i absolutely love it when it’s paired with manual transmission and an auto-break function:

    when you stop, for example at a red light, and press the break while standing still for a bit, it goes into auto-break mode.

    when you then release the clutch while in gear (neutral gets ignored), it automatically releases the hand break, so you can perform a hand break assisted start from standstill without having to touch the actual hand break!

    this is excellent when you’ve stopped at an incline, and generally really useful!

    but i get the skepticism…i was extremely skeptical at first too, but you get used to it quickly and then it feels weird when it’s missing or turned off in another car… there’s just no reason not to use this feature it’s simply great!

  • because barely anyone even knows about HUDs, since there are barely any vehicles in the “won’t cost you both kidneys” price segment with HUDs in them…

    …but yes, they really should be in every car. it’s just a no-brainer for safety, for the exact reason you said: simply having your speed right in your field of view alone is worth it!

  • the DLC are pricey, but they’re also proper, old school expansions adding lots of content that actually enhances the game.

    it’s perfectly playable without the DLC, and there’s a LOT of DLC-sized mods on the workshop!

    kind of a fundamental problem with modern DLC: they generally don’t get cheaper over time (remember when that was an actual thing? not just sales, but actually lower prices for older games?).

    if you keep up with the releases it’s super okay at about 20/25€ once a year, maybe twice, bur if you’re late to the party it’s a whole lot of cash all at once!

    exactly why paradox introduced a subscription for Stellaris’ DLCs at 10€/month… honestly kinda worth it, if you know you’re just gonna play for a while and then move on…still wish stuff would just get cheaper at some point again…

  • ???


    • lots of land
    • feed (which requires a LOT of land)
    • massive amounts of water
    • insane amounts of antibiotics and assorted other medicine
    • stupid amounts of electricity
    • etc.

    raising cattle on a commercial scale requires mind boggling resources!

    every single study on environmental impacts of food production lists beef as the number 1 worst food source in terms of environmental impacts period.

    “Raising cattle doesn’t require anything.” - yeah, in fantasy land.

  • and your source measured the effects of one single area that cathartic theory is supposed to apply to, not all of them.

    your source does in no way support the claim that the observed effects apply to anything other than aggressive behavior.

    i understand that the theory supposedly applies to other areas as well, but as you so helpfully pointed out: the theory doesn’t seem to hold up.

    so either A: the theory is wrong, and so the association between aggression and sexuality needs to be called into question also;

    or B: the theory isn’t wrong after all.

    you are now claiming that the theory is wrong, but at the same time, the theory is totally correct! (when it’s convenient to you, that is)

    so which is it now? is the theory correct? then your source must be wrong irrelevant.

    or is the theory wrong? then the claim of a link between sexuality and aggression is also without support, until you provide a source for that claim.

    you can’t have it both ways, but you’re sure trying to.

  • well, rimworld does have a focus on (micro)management and strategy!

    if your pawns are constantly down due to raiders, then you need better defenses! …or tame a herd of animals and release those at your enemies! (rhinos work very well for this!)

    there are tons of little optimizations you can make to efficiently run a colony. for example, social fights: you can keep those from happening by keeping the problematic pawns in different areas! or removing one or both of their tongues! or sending one on basically permanent caravan missions! etc., etc.

    this kind of deep strategizing, combined with the random bullshit the game throws at you, is mostly why people love rimworld!

    and mods… definitely get mods! that’s where the game reeeaaally shines!