Guess they don’t have windows in Belgrade
Guess they don’t have windows in Belgrade
If you want something that far “out of print” those repacks are your best bet. The only other options that MIGHT be available are key reseller sites. If you’re lucky they have some keys. If they still work is another problem.
Anecdotal but I moved somewhat recently and found my box of old consoles/games. I found my copy of Marvel Vs Capcom 3 (PS3) and booted it up to find out that I never claimed the DLC. I bought the steelbook Special Edition with a DLC code for the extra characters. Tried to redeem and apparently the code expired. If I want the characters I have to buy the “Ultimate” version of the game which has the characters on the disk.
Could is doing some heavy lifting in that statement
I worked in apartment maintenance for a bit. That is a requirement for low income housing, at least in California. If it doesn’t have one or it stops working for any reason, the tenant can claim unlivable living conditions and not pay rent until it’s fixed. This is true for many types of problems but you asked about garbage disposals. Also the property could potentially lose the designation of low income housing which means losing the federal/state subsidy. Most tenants don’t know about this and choose to move out instead after a few rent increases. On the other hand there is a list of “problem tenants” that landlords share and if you end up on it then good luck finding a new place to rent.
We won WWII in part because other countries brain drain. What happens when that happens to the US?
Maybe not at this scale, but Republicans have already been bussing and flying people for a while now. Martha’s Vineyard ring any bells. This isn’t extradition, it’s deportation. They just just want these people out of their hometowns.
What is the likelihood that The Satanic Temple opens a network of private schools across the country operating on a mix of vouchers and federal money?
Concepts of a plan
Someone had to take the picture
Are you saying the next civil war will be fought over abortion and LGBTQ rights?
So bike lanes but for cars. What could go wrong.
The most shocking thing to me at this point is that headline says “some” and not “all”
I’m starting to think nothing is illegal if you have enough money.
I didn’t call anybody a Nazi. I simply said that Republicans rather enjoy keeping the company of the Nazis and the KKK. But you know what they say about Nazi bars 🤷♂️
Ah, the democrats are showing their true colors once again as the party of the KKK.
Last time I checked the KKK endorses the Republican party these days. Same as literal Nazis. Isn’t that why Republicans allow Klan hoods and Nazi flags at their gatherings? Calling Democrats the party of the KKK isn’t the insult you think it is when Republicans are the ones openly embracing their rhetoric.
Republicans will call themselves a dictator and get mad when others calls themselves anti dictator. Bunch of snowflakes.
The future of net neutrality is already decided, has been for a while. The only question is when. Does NN end now or later. We already let the wolves in.
And Echoes of Wisdom too.
That’s “fuck you money” in a nutshell
We are about to find out what happens when conspiracy theorists get into the federal government. Will he get arrested for leaking government secrets?