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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月1日

  • Not sure if I am reading it correctly. But what ip adress is your given to your pc?

    It reads to me like you have router 1 and 2 on router 1’s network but your pc is on router 2’s “internal” network… which must not be in the same 192.168.1.x range as is router 1’s network.

    Put router 1 under 192.168.2.x range Then Then Router 2 with 192.168.1.x adressing should work still, and the pc should be able to talk to the router-1 network.

  • They’ll declare fraud and a stolen election anyway… The many lawsuits the republicans will fire up, almost assures that at the very least a handfull will get to the supreme court quickly, will be a certainty…

    And, unless there is a shift somewhere, the supreme court will proclaim that there is enough suspicion of shenanigans against a trump win that they’ll just decide amongst themselves who will win the election, ignoring the “people’s” vote altogether…

    Perhaps the military is willing to hold the supreme court accountable, because I do not see anyone else able to do it right now.

    Wouldn’t it be immensely entertaining if the day after the election all current supreme court justices had vanished?

  • This is a bit of an interesting conundrum …

    Granted, I do not know the details of the crime for which he plead guilty and was sentenced. Was it a violent rape? Or was it a concensual get together but she was far to young and he was slapped hard for it? Now I don’t condone it either way but it might give nuance to how he feels about it.

    On one side, he, and society overall see it as he served his sentence (not all of it but that is not his fault) and is rehabilitated, he made changes to his life after that and made sure he is not near minors alone again, now even has a family of his own.

    But, I really think it’s wrong to think rehabilitation means you can stand on a podium for admiration, or be in a place that strives for excellence in rhe public eye.

    This is where he and the people around him should have realized that, no, no matter how good he is in his sport, he should just not be a competitor in the olympics as a shining example of greatness.

    Rehabilitation means to be allowed back into society, in a menial job out of view and not in a spotlight of any kind.

    It is definitely not a full reset on your life and you can do whatever, thinking people mostly forgot what you did.

    So the bullying boo’s are quite justified imo and he should have expected this backlash because he sought the spotlight and admiration for his greatness in sport. And it shows he thought it a deserved thing for his ego following the years of hardship he went through after making a big mistake when he was young.

  • I’ve been gently pushing for the same message but at best hear people say “oh it’s just politics, and we have laws against all this so it will be years before anything can truely change”

    Hitler’s power was solidified in a matter of months, whereby he threatened and/or had his political opposition killed. Then he came with the excuse “I don’t believe my people did this”

    No one dared say any of it was against the laws, he was fully above the law and shielded anyone he felt worthy of the same, ofcourse he would have them dissappear when their use ran out…

  • Dragomus@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldYour vote isn't enough.
    3 个月前

    I have hope democracy prevails… But also a big feeling that the republicans have all their pawns lined up for a perfect storm this time (and half of them are still hidden), allowing them to be able to semi legally brush the election results aside. They had 6+ years to prepare…

    Only a true landslide of blue votes might be able to give some of them pause, a small difference would be ignored and decided upon faster than Gore vs Bush.

    Trump will declare a win regardless of the outcome.

  • Trump could now argue he, as sitting president, was threatened in his functioning by the new president elect, and it was an official act to block the transfer of power as long as the sitting president has concerns about the validity of the votes. (Ofcourse he always has those concerns)

    And now with the coming elections he will claim the same and as a bonus he officially and in the open has the republicans refuse to certify a losing vote because that also threatens his position and impedes his functioning.

    If the lower courts now claim his acts were not official he will just appeal that back to the Supreme Court, thereby still delaying any closure of the case well after the elections.

  • Yes this sounds like a very convoluted way to go about things, but I am not sure if it was the actual verdict that is so badly constructed that it demands this or that Google gives itself and everyone else a lot of unnecessary pain.

    Samsung also does auto updates etc and co-exists with the play store on samsung phones (granted, it lives within their android skin), even updates some Google play store (installed) apps, so I am not sure what or where the issue is/lies.

    But now Google wants app stores within app stores within app stores as a solution?

  • It was a fluke indeed, no one really expected him to win, he himself the least, he was mostly there for the attention.

    But once he was sworn in and the dust settled, the country was stuck with him and would need to ride it out. Problem is, Trump liked playing with the big boys, feeling important and enjoyed being gawked at on his golf course… Not to forget he could use the cash flow, billing the government millions, putting his friends and family in places they had no right to be, it was all useful, and he made himself useful for those keeping him in his seat.

    But near 2020 Trump realized he needed to stay there or his world would come crumbling down from debt and his illegitimate activities hidden by his white house shine. So he would go and try to keep the position. Alas that decision did not come with enough time beforehand to cement his position. So they had no preparations on hand when the time was there and his force of headbobbers plainly was too small to push him past the election results.

    But that was a lesson learned, and he and those helping him come with the 2025 plan, try to get as many pro-trumpers in useful positions before the election, years in advance, so that they can help push him back in the white house, no matter what the actual vote says…

    And here we are; The judiciary system is heavily tilted towards stalling all Trump court cases beyond the elections. The electorate is slithering its way through covert adjustments of voter rules and registration zones. And the legislative shows all signs on this time really refusing to certify losing results.

    Meanwhile Trump has a more focused mob now that he can rile up and has more solid plans/experience on what kind of action or roadblock is needed where.

    I really do hope cooler heads will prevail. But the months before and after the switch to 2025 will be quite the ride. And possibly bring enormous changes for the whole world.

  • There is also Finland, which has around 34 guns per 100 inhabitants, amongst the highest of the western world. It has a cun culture of defense (against its untrustworthy Russian neighbor), hunting and sports. But there is strict registration and regulation. Though they can buy just about any type of gun, there is no open carry “for funsies”. Carrying/transporting the guns requires an immediate purpose and must be held, unloaded, in a case or pouch. (I am not Finnish so correct me if I am wrong)

    I have a bit of a feeling it’s in the US a thing of “He has a gun, so I want a gun” that reinforces itself, and after a while gets people careless since it’s a fairly common thing.

    In the UK there was a study where forbidding handheld guns, mainly pistols, did see a sharp decline in gun related crime but they did not banish it completely.

    I don’t know the numbers but in the US it seems pistols make it easier to act upon one’s mental state … have a tiff with your neighbor? Go to his door with a gun on your belt. A car just cut you off? Explode in rage, pull up next to him/her on a traffic light and swing your pistol around, try doing that with a non automatic hunting rifle.