easier to use and more stable.
citation needed
easier to use and more stable.
citation needed
What they couldn’t predict is that co2 production would rise so dramatically
interestingly enough in the early 1900 there were more electric cars than ICEs in north america
Ich bin ja eher ein Erdbeer-Fan als Null Zwei
Bekämpf mich
thats what systemd sockets are here for
the difference is that the folder/package structure for other package manager is open and well known
everyone can host their own i.e. apt, pacman or Flatpak repository with little effort
the required folder/package structure for snaps is no longer open and you cannot change the default snap repository either easily
30 Jahre im Schlafwagen vertrödelt.
Die Schlafwagen hat man aus Sparwut auch an Österreich verkauft
you might be interested in pinchflat or tubearchivest which are made for this task
Alternativ Aeropress statt regulären Filter
ich schwöre man wird nur etwas komisch auf der Arbeit angeschaut wenn man das alles auspackt!
usage of public torrent tracker in germany is almost non-existent
the fear of getting sued by copyright laywers is pretty high
Don’t forget he deadnames this own child
sounds ok for me if you install the full KDE Plasma + all applications package group and add some basic software like LibreOffice
fun fact: the other three reactors in Chernobyl were put in operation again AFTER reactor 4 blew up
I believe the last one for 14 additional years
how safe that was is another question though
Including the xone kernel driver for proprietary Xbox dongles is quite nice
(you can connect Xbox gamepads via bluetooth but that will often times give you a higher input lag for Xbox pads anyway)
the work amount of backporting fixes which ARE already fixed in newer versions is also insane
thats one of the reason why Arch Linux sticks to stable upstream versions, backporting is just not feasable on smaller teams
Run sudo pacman -Syu
Arch Linux stable should got the KDE 6.1 update today
if it doesn’t appear in your system upgrade you might want to update your mirror list
there is good hint of xenophobia in your comment
you probably need to meet some people foreign of your country and learn they are humans just like you
It will also allow us to sped less money supporting people here, and do much more for them in their own home countries.
tax rich people/companies
these are taking your money away for a good cause for everyone
cool people use zst
I use Obtainium (available in F-Droid) alongside F-Droid since both have auto-updates
this is still tolerable to the old days of updating manually
biggest upside is I can update Tubular/Newpipe faster via Obtainium while F-Droids build system takes days