I’m actually changing my mind about that. Fat bank accounts is the point, cruelty is the bonus.
I’m actually changing my mind about that. Fat bank accounts is the point, cruelty is the bonus.
Such bull pucks! History shows 3% of population protests work.
It depends on the will and strength of mind of the populace. The politicians are laughing all the way to their Swiss bank accounts.
I would think “part of a whole” would cover that, but English is a peculiar language.
Idk why this is dv’d. It’s the same thing as "don’t talk to the cops even if you’re innocent " I have had more than one attorney term me multiple times the only thing anyone ever needs to say is: lawyer, lawyer, lawyer and lawyer.
A constituent can mean either a part of the whole or someone who lives and votes in a district.
For calling a politician a pimmel?
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Heros all the way to their and their Republican countrrparts all the way to their offshore accounts and other hidden assets.
What you get for free costs too much.
It’s not enough capitalists destroy our planet. They have to mess up other bodies in our system.
I honestly didn’t like history until my mid or late twenties, except for 9th year. I think it was mainly because every other teacher some about it in monotones, if at all and basically just assigned in-class silent reading and a boatload of homework that didn’t even cover important things. 9th year instructor some with inflection, asked questions that prompted deep thought and critical thinking.
Projection and prejudice, probably.
More likely they’re so still gathering at a place similar to Epstein Island.
Lol. I’m leaving it bc that autocorrect is funny.
The ingredients only say stevia leaf extract, nothing about erythritol.
This person thrives on attention. It doesn’t matter if it is good or bad attention. They look like they are experiencing narcissistic collapse, and that needs to happen with people far and safely away from them.
Have you explored your anger issues and addressed root causes? If not, anything will continue to trigger you and yes, that’s an issue.
I’ll give the current kleptocrats credit where it is due: I bet they motivated people globally to learn about finance, various economic modalities of government, privacy, geopolitics, politics in general, humanitarianism, philosophy, various sciences, immigration/law, Con Law, tort law and a bunch of things my sleepy self can’t rattle off just now. Maybe varying religions and other stuff too.