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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 13th, 2024


  • If they really understood the phrase ‘too many cooks spoil the soup’, then they’d realize the advantage of smaller online communities.

    Reddit was at its best when it had a low count but engaged userbase, and became actively worse as it grew.

    I think this is because trolling and response isn’t a 1 to 1 ratio. All it takes is 1 toxic person to make an entire subforum rancid and takes the effort of several mods to mitigate it.

    The more people you have, the more chance you will have these trolls organize, the more likely they will either overwhelm or infiltrate the mods.

  • The anti-zionists I know are not antisemitic, and I have not seen them be antisemitic.

    Pretty interesting how blind you are to your own confirmation bias.

    Since I’m in a bad mood, I’ll point it out to you.

    If you are not antisemitic, likely you do not tolerate being around antisemitic people. Therefore the anti-zionists you know are not antisemitic.

    I, on the other hand, was born in the state of drunken alligator fights and hookworm, where 60% of the population is antisemitic AND anti-zionist, so I have seen it many, many times.

    but I almost never see people do this.

    Then you should learn to appreciate the fact you don’t live in the middle of the deep south and the culture that surrounds you is a lot more sane and reasonable than a good chunk of the nation actually is.

    For example, the ‘Jewish space laser’ conspiracy theory is BOTH antisemitic and anti-zionist.

  • (Btw I’m impressed that you can read phonetic drifts)

    The human brain is an amazing pattern matching system that can over time even without direct application can do things like smell parkinsons and recognize a song from 3 bars of music.

    And I’ve spent the last fifteen years of my life spending no less than 3 hours a day, nearly everyday, online actively learning to spot the tactics of forum sliders and propagandists in general. Note I am not just specifically referring to russian troll farms as when I started getting concerned no one knew they even existed. To clarify: I have been online since the late 80s, but only interested in spotting online propaganda since Gamergate started this entire shitshow.

    Add on top of that the fact that I am pretty firmly on the spectrum with several special interests that involve web communities, and that I have been using the internet very actively since before the web supported pictures.

    Over time I have learned that people develop an online ‘accent’ that is made up of phrases and idiosyncrasies that form within the forums they participate in. One of my earliest discoveries was that I could almost unfailingly spot people who had spent a significant amount of their time on 4chan due to the format their antisemitic posts took, that were different from other forms of antisemitism and characterized by the memes that became popular inside that forum but had little exposure elsewhere, like the early white nationalist Pepe memes.

    I’m not sure if it is because they hire locally at the Russian IRA, or that their target scripting phraseology is so strict but whatever the cause people from that organization have a very clear accent that is shaped by their Slavic language roots as well as the online communities who’s language they absorbed that makes their communications stand out if you are familiar enough with them.

    TO BE CLEAR: Slavic root language speakers who just use forums do not show this same ‘online accent’, and troll farms from China and the Philippines while contextually similar have their own idiosyncrasies.

    I may have been incorrect using the label ‘phonetic’ but I really have no other way to convey the fact that Slavic character pronunciation affects the way that Slavic people type in other languages.

  • Ok.

    How do we stop republicunts form their 40 year quest to destroy public education when we can’t convince half the nation that Jan6 was even a bad thing?

    Using the power of ignorant and loud constituents, propaganda, media manipulation and Reagan’s 1st commandment (thou shalt not speak ill of other republicunts) they have made their actions immune to scrutiny and have the political clout to get their bad actors on or leading every educational government org.

    And that’s not even SCRATCHING the surface of how many school boards have republicunts on them that both do not have school age children and have zero vested interest in improving school systems. How do you even fight back on that now?

    No, the only way we will manage to get back to a reasonable 1st world education system is if magically every shitheel that voted for trump was thanos snapped away.

  • Agreed, there is a legitimate way to criticize the Israeli government that isn’t tied to race.

    The antisemite says “They are monsters because they are Jews”

    The anti-zionist says “They are monsters because they act inhumanely towards civilians”

    The antisemitic anti-zionist says “They act inhumanely towards civilians because they need to gather precious child blood for their (((rituals)))”

    But the problem here is that there are a FUCKTONNE of antisemites that want to hide in the crowds of the anti-zionists for ideological cover.

    On the OTHER hand, I’ve never seen an anti-zionist hide in the crowds of the antisemites for ideological cover unless they also harbored racist misbeliefs.

    It’s pretty easy on the face to tell the difference, but even that level of nuance is beyond the understanding of so many people.