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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Way back in the 90s when I was a teenager I got home from school one day right around Christmas time and discovered my father had, for some reason, locked himself in the bathroom and refused to come out. He was in there for at least an hour and when he eventually did come out he went right back in again a few minutes later, and this happened several times.

    After some convincing he finally admitted that he’d come home from work and consumed an entire carton of eggnog along with a whole jar of black olives over the course of about an hour and a half and had nearly shit his pants, just barely making it to the bathroom in time.

    We never did discover what had compelled him to do such a thing

  • I obviously can’t speak for everyone, but this never happened when I was in middle school and high school in the 90s. If someone couldn’t afford the school lunch they had a free lunch program where kids would just go up to the counter and get a sandwich and a juice. No one ever said anything to the kids who got the free lunch because it’s lunch lol everyone’s gotta eat!

    Making someone wear a wristband because they couldn’t afford lunch just seems needlessly cruel