Ah haha sorry, but yes it’s indeed deleted for me now too!
Ah haha sorry, but yes it’s indeed deleted for me now too!
I think you might be confusing this game with Outer Worlds, very similar title but very different game! I would recommend Outer Wilds to almost anyone who like exploration, discovery, mystery (with SPACE on top) but haha maybe that’s not what you meant to ask
Hey, so I side with Ukraine in the current conflict, but in general I’m somewhat of a NATO sceptic and really not a fan of US foreign policy. I was curious about the information you provided, but honestly, in contrast to what you claim, it seems to me that you have not explained most of your points. Yeah there’s been a clear political divide in Ukraine, but it requires an enormous leap of logic to see that as justification of the Russian invasion. Yeah NATO sucks in many ways, and it and Ukraine too have done some shitty things, but again, there seems to be absolutely no sensible argument for any of that to have justified the invasion.
I haven’t watched the French documentary yet, in case any of your arguments relied on it. A quick online search on the journalist does mention several untrue pieces of Russian propaganda that seem to be mentioned in the documentary, though. Any chance you could explain more, or is this lack of explanation all there is for someone curious to understand why the war is happening?
To be fair, “game of the year” feels like it’s meant to measure popularity, while “most innovative” sounds like it shouls measure how innovative a game is, which is perhaps why the two awards get such different reactions.
Definitely Jusant. It was just such a perfect game for me when I played it, chill but engaging in exactly the way I needed it, and something about the story just went straight into my heart unlike any other!
I’ve heard that League is usually problematic on Linux, but it’s not a deal breaker, my computer is dual booted anyway so I could always play it on Windows.
All the games, League aside, are purchased through Steam. I have only tried these games I mention, since they are the only games I’ve been playing since I set up my Linux partition, but since not a single one of them worked at all I have assumed that’s it’s probably not the games that are the problem.
Nvidia-smi confirms I’m using 545.29.06. About Vulkan though, i l noticed now that when I launch Steam through the terminal it says “unable to enumerate GPUs with Vulkan” and “Unable to initialize Vulkan”. Could maybe that be the source of the issue then? Thanks a lot for your help either way!
This article is about the author’s personal relationship to E3 and how it reminds him about unhealthy work habits he has, which he also thinks are commonly occuring in games journalism.
I think it’s very fair not to like the article, I wasn’t overly interested in it myself, but honestly I can’t help but disagreeing with the negativity directed towards the author in many of these comments. Go ahead and dislike the point of the article, but making a uncharitable reading about the author just seems silly to me.
Are you sure it wasn’t “brzeczyszczykiewicz” (difference in last two letters)? Otherwise it seems like a little typo, which, to be fair, would be a good idea to keep it safe from Polish people haha