Another option other than new pipe is to download a YouTube apk and the revanced app. Ad free YouTube is what comes out of that.
You can tell he watches a lot of youtube.
Yeah, continue investing with that logic.
If it goes that low, anyone would be stupid to not buy. I think FB went down to around $15 not long after their ipo somewhere between $30-$35.
I’d like to hear Donald Duck talk shit and be toxic to his teammates.
The whole immersive view is pretty cool. I’ll probably never use it though.
I’d love a four day work week. But in all honesty, should I ever have the pleasure of having it, I don’t think I’d work harder than I am now. I already give it my all, and it’s paid off nicely. But dsepites the arguments, I’d be less productive if I’m working a day less.
Its the internet though. I don’t know of a place on the internet where there’s no toxicity.
Is this just for info to be pushed to your phone? Seems reasonable unless there are features in the car itself that require a subscription.
A friend I once had used either the dangling claw or the muppet style. It was a big deal amongst our group of friends because it was so unusual to the rest of us. I distinctly remember her hand in a claw like position to hold the sticks, and we were all trying to imitate her style. She picked up her sushi just fine. Can’t vouch for the others.
Probably just need to sign in. But if you don’t have an account already, then it’s shitty that they force you to use the app to create an account.
Half of what reddit was able to do for me is being overly generous, but my experience is the same.
Why upgrade every year at all? Keep the S23 for the four years they update the OS.
I think it was good to get our country to it’s most prosperous point, but there are obviously some huge flaws now causing a smaller middle class. It seems that a form of evolution is needed, and we are at a point where some change is needed, but capitalism was great at creating a large middle class before digressing from that.
From The Dustinator to just Dusty now.
That would make sense
It’s called “click bait.”
I think social media has enabled anyone to make a quick buck if you’re put in a position to do so. These two capitalized on their popularity on social media, and people, for one reason or another, will pay to be a part of it.
It’s just like any other website or subscription that offers their “suggestions.” Whether it’s helpful is subjective, but it’s certainly not out of the ordinary.