All I see are awesome game recommendations, thanks everyone! Except for Stardew Valley… that’s my game. I love it but I hate it for reasons mentioned already.
A weary redditor finding a new home.
Yeah, I like the Salvia plant. :)
All I see are awesome game recommendations, thanks everyone! Except for Stardew Valley… that’s my game. I love it but I hate it for reasons mentioned already.
Go on Facebook, look up and type any illness + cure
You know how sometimes you’re bored and wanna f around in your playthrough and choose the wacky dialogue option to see what would happen? I have to try not to do that.
What an idiot. Tons of rich people know that social security is a riot tax (it’s not but that’s how they see it).
Actually no, as far as I’m aware of. I’m really into global econ stats and none come close to China, it’s really remarkable.That’s what caused me to research it more. Sorry if my comment sounded butthurt.
Would you ever believe it if it wasn’t a police state dystopia? I wouldn’t feel this way if I believed it was. Have you gone out of your way to do extensive research on the politics, history and quality of life in China over the course of months or years and looked for multiple sources from multiple parts of the world? Or have you just read/watched the news and had history class? Maybe found a book in a library one time? You don’t need to question whether I love dystopias. Do question if I know or at least think I know what you know.
I knew this was gonna get dislikes.
Have you seen their infrastructure? Their technology? Their scientific advancements, Their social security, their political involvement as citizens…
I’m not saying I’m pro-China period, just comparing them to other countries. The ccp did a lot of things wrong and I’m against that. I’m also not a black and white thinker.
Damn I’m more pro-China than any other country but I absolutely hate that they do this.
If that scientist did terrorism on his phone, half of America should probably get incarcerated. Land of the free, yeehaw!