Its looks very nice, the skylight is pretty sick i bet!
Linux hobbyist, Machinist and tinkerer
Its looks very nice, the skylight is pretty sick i bet!
Also welcome to the fediverse! Notice your account is new lmao
Honestly for saying it deanonizes people is a bit of a fibracation. Yes theoretically a threat actor could figure out what clould flare DNS sever it is. But that really doesnt do much realistically. For example qouting the researcher “i live in new york and my closest data center is in new Jersey”. Realistically what can a hacker do with that, other than know you live somewhere near new Jersey. The threat actor would gain very little and the information they supposedly gained isnt verifiable. You live near NJ but to the threat actor they would assume you live in NJ. Which is a red hairing, and thats not even bring up VPN’s or TOR into the equations. Which 99% of journalist use all the time for amenity. So in conclusion the information they gain is about the same as saying “i may or may not be near this cloudflare server”
monotone “yes mr gates i will upgrade to windows 11 and buy all the windows 11 office utilitys. Microsoft edge is the best browser it frees me from the scary concepts of choices”
"What do you mean mr computer man? I just turned on my chrome book and am watching tiktok while writting this comment. Mr computer man why cant i just unlock everything. Stop using fancy techno bable like TCIP and AES? I just want a sticky note with the master key, i also want the key to narinia and the ability to teleport. Mr techno man, please and thank you. Mr robit give me the master key like in 1995 hackers with the shitty ass mini glasses and the random terminal output "
Some people speak of things they dont comprehend and try to give advice beyond there intelligence.
I wish they made keyboard likes this still The layout is god tier
But what about micro :P
Honestly i feel micro is a child of vim and nano. Powerful addons and visual support. With simple keybinds
You gotta remember there are people who get there kids to be drug mules. So yes in this instance it seems weird. But theres about 1 million ways people have tried to smuggle things. No matter the ethics, inside concealment. Hollowing out containers replacing normal products with stubstances or precursors to make drugs.
I watch alot of “Austrian border security” on youtube and you would not believe some way people try to smuggle stuff. A few months ago they imbedded precursors to make meth. Inside of a less than 1mm clear sheet of plastic. Crazy shit
Stay with me here, you could just implement some public key signing with the printer and include it in the setup in the slicer. Then set it on the printer to only except said public key commands. Problem solved, no cloud. No malware talking to your printer. No EULA roofy, just utter bullshit another company wants to force users into there cloud account.
This just pisses me off! Are they aware we can read?
Supposed lies people told
“Firmware updates will block your printer’s ability to print.”
Which they then contradict themselfs and tried to cover it up. “Please be aware with this new version of firmware, print jobs may be blocked when using LAN mode. this is for security”
“Partners can maintain or downgrade their firmware versions until technical updates are fully implemented.”
There was never an option to downgrade, they changed the webiste to say it can be downgraded. When i know yesterday it said it wasnt eversible which was covered by many news outlets.
“All future Bambu Lab printer models will integrate authorization control technology as standard to ensure the highest levels of user security and printer protection moving forward. We acknowledge that these changes may introduce additional effort and workload. However, through our joint efforts and cooperation, we believe we can improve the security, quality, and user experience of Bambu Lab’s 3D printing products and services.”
“This is beta testing, not a forced update. The choice is yours. You can participate in the beta program to help us refine these features, or continue using your current firmware.”
Its optional in the same way of you dont need to eat today! You can just go without eating, its totally optional nobody is saying you half to eat! It OPTIONAL. What the fuck are they smoking, it never says “beta channel” Own up to your mistakes
LETS GO! this is why i love makers and open source
This may sound like a dumb idea. But cant we just fork there firmware and flash our own? It runs klipper under the hood which means its a gpl license?
–edit there is X1plus firmware which is opensourced
Awwwwh no funny red head dancing man on my computer?? :(
I never used a proxy. I have it setup that gluetun opens port 8080 as the network host. So all traffic is routed through gluetun, i verified it by installing traceroute in the searx container.
Thats my whole stack
yeah its S tier!
This video shows the stupidity of new york
“Printed guns” by " tipsy duck"
As AOL guy once said
“You got mail”
Damnn what an uptime! Cheer to that!
Family of mice
Ban this man, no ed sheran!
Officer you see i was speeding because my speedometer is hitler. And if i go 10mph its fine but if i go 20 then its ultra racist scumbag territory.
So why were you going 120mphs then?