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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • You’re totally correct on that. Twitch for me is for the one competitive game I play (esports and costreams of esports). I use YouTube sometimes for guides and info, that’s somewhat useful. Although I’m starting to find that the video that YouTube shows me as the top video for a search under “relavent” is not always really all that relevant. Sometimes the best video for a search is way down the list. I find it easier for some games (like Remnant 2), to find text guides that are popular and then watch an attached YouTube video there if there is one.

    My main beef with YouTube today is how garbage my front page is. I feel like years ago I would discover content based on suggestions. Now I spend most of my time being irrationally mad at how bad my suggestions are on the YouTube front page.

  • I feel like a conspiracy theorist for wondering if this is just a TikTok sponsored article.

    I’m honestly more worried about how much twitch and YouTube seem to have given up on improving their platforms. I find it harder and harder to find content on YouTube. Twitch on the other hand still doesn’t support 4k (as far as I know since I catch the same streams on YouTube being in 4k)

    This is another area where I feel like decentralized model would be good. I’d rather a majority of my money go towards a streamer and not the platform that stagnated on the tech side. Maybe Kick can help, but none of my favorite streamers stream there yet even with twitch exclusivity agreements going away.

  • A survival game is probably what you’re aiming for here. Someone has to host in those scenarios usually unless one of you pays for a dedicated server. I don’t have a ton of experience with the shooty kind. But Valheim, Vrising and Palworld were a lot of fun for about 20 to 30 hours each. Palworld had some shooter experiences.

    I like these because it usually turns into a “let’s get things done together “ and everyone finds their tasks to do. Then you put it all together and you end up with a cool base you built together and have some pride in. Palworld again is the one with the lowest “violence” imo

  • I know some economist will tear me apart for this but I don’t see where the big deal is. To me this is just a consequence of a bunch of factors like the economy and overall women education. I get that you end up with a weird lob sided age graph, but solving that feels like an engineering problem.

    We have breakthroughs in automation every year. Every year a single citizen’s impact on overall GDP grows through productivity or efficiency. This is not even considering the impact AI/LLM/AGI will have on the next 10 years. I believe the focus should be on the positives of these trends. The environmental impact of a shrinking society for example. Let’s focus on those things instead of trying to convince people that adding more life to the capitalist income inequality machine is the solution. Adding more kids to the problem seems to only serve the top 1%ers instead of forcing us to have real serious discussions about universal income and what we should do with all the automation and efficiencies we keep creating.

  • I identify strongly as a Democrat. I have no ill feelings towards the Jewish community. I hate not calling a spade a spade here. I suspect there are some big Jewish donors on the democratic side. Also, we don’t want to lose access to the Israeli tech stack on the surveillance side. So if those are the reasons we are letting Israel essentially eradicate a group of people, then say that to the American people. Let the people decide if we are morally fine with that.

    This conflict is complex. But Palestinians were painted into a corner and they truly waited a long time pleading their case to the West with how Israel has been handling them. We did nothing and now we are surprised they went to extremes to fight for their rights and lives.

    No one has the moral high ground here. Hamas did something horrible. The response though is highly disproportional. I can’t come up with another scenario where we would be so accepting of this massacre. Native Americans in the US are still treated poorly. If they kidnapped and killed a bunch of none Native Americans that would not justify eradicating them. Then why are we fine with it when it comes to Israel and Gaza?

  • Cool. Now watch them do everything they can to avoid taking in Palestinian refugees. This is not a nock on Palestinians. It’s calling out some of the hypocrisy of Arab/Mid East leaders. Golf nations import tons of foreign labor. They could use Palestinians instead of Indian/Pakistani/Asian labor, so the impact on the economy and society could be mitigated of having these refugees integrated.

    I hope I’m wrong. But usually Golf nations are quick to call out Israel and weak on performing any type of real action to help reduce suffering.

    Obviously, Palestinians would rather stay in their homes. We have to admit at some point that short of a retaliatory war, the only other way to help is to rescue them. That means taking in anyone that just wants to gtfo.