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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Somewhat recently I caused a failed kernel update by accident:

    Ran system update in tmux session (local session on desktop). But problem was that tmux itself got also updated, which crashed the tmux session and as a result crashed the kernel update. Only realized it upon the following reboot (which no longer worked).

    Your described solution re “live ISO, chroot, run system update once more, reboot” was also what got me out of that situation. So certainly something worth learning for “general troubleshooting” purposes re system updates.

  • TBH, I don’t know much about school systems of other countries. Just reading horror stories of the US education system re student loans at times. So can’t really argue that point with you.

    But I’m not sure what made you think I’m blaming the children. Not once did I make a remark that would suggest that.

    So let me be clear: Children, while they are still considered children, really can’t be blamed. As they become adolescents, then slowly, but ever increasingly more, their own viewpoints and actions will have an impact on how their education is going (esp. true if a child goes a lot further in education than their parents ever did).

    Rather there’s some blame to be put on the social environment and the child’s parents. E.g. it’s not the fault of the education system if child’s parents are divorcing while the kid is in Kindergarden and the child then has to switch schools multiple times, not because the child is problematic or because the education system is pushing the child around. No, chances are most of the blame is on the parents then.

  • Maybe I have bit too positive outlook on this, yeah.

    But that article also emphasizes a lot (first half) that a child’s environment simply matters a lot. Esp. having parents that have higher education themselves and are there for the child to support it regarding learning outside of school can make a big difference. And this isn’t just about the first couple years before elementary school (what article says re “Wortschatz”). Esp. the ongoing school period thereafter. E.g. “Does it make a difference in a child’s household if parents can speak English when trying to learn English?” - of course it does!

    The point on “Brennpunktschulen” is also very environment driven. I’m not saying that “Lehrermangel” isn’t real, or that having this system of three school paths starting from 5th grade is the best invention ever.

    But one can’t put all the blame on the school system, when “what happens outside of school” has such a big impact on a child.

  • Your last paragraph seems misinformed.


    State-funded schools (a big majority) are tuition-free, as foreseen by the respective laws, even often on constitutional level. Segregation of students by parent wealth or income is looked down upon, to the point of being an exception to the constitutionally guaranteed freedom to have private schools (Article 7 section 4 of the German constitution, Sondierungsverbot). Of the private gymnasia, the vast majority is run by the Catholic Church on very low tuition fees (which is more easy as by Concordat, the Church receives a high percentage of the amount of money the State need not spend for a pupil in a Church-school); fees for schools who need to earn money by teaching are higher. Schools with fees generally offer scholarships.

    In 2005, the German government spent €5,400 per student for those attending public gymnasium. This is less than what was spent on a student attending Hauptschule, but more than was spent on those attending Realschule.[22] Some Hauptschule and Gesamtschule students have special needs requiring extra help, so those schools cannot operate as cost-effectively as gymnasia.

    I myself went to a public Gymnasium and can still remember that among my classmates we had a wide range re “parent income and status”.

    Literally from:

    • ‘single parent that barely gets by’
    • ‘teacher parents’
    • attorneys / judges / cardiologist / engineers / etc.
    • CEO parent of an international company

    I literally:

    • went through elementary school
    • got a recommendation for going to a Gymnasium at end of 4th year based on my performance
    • picked one out of the available Gymnasiums in my area (within what was doable by bus on a daily basis)
    • then went there

    And even if you go to “Hauptschule”, that’s not the end of education. One can still do what’s called “M-Zweig”, which gets you the equivalent degree of “Realschule”. Then one can go to “FOS”, which gets you a degree close to that of Gymnasium. It at least allows for going to a “university of applied sciences”, which is less geared towards academics and more towards industry. Still can get you your masters degree or if a doctors degree if one really wants that and partners with an “academic university” (AFAIR).

    Some children simply take that other route. Still, it comes down to ability of the child. Of course, having a non-supportive environment that doesn’t believe in achild can make things harder on it. Some children might actually be motivated by “potentially escaping that”.

    But to say this education system is a “class filter” is just wrong.

  • I went through setting up netdata for a sraging (in progression for a production) server not too long ago.

    The netdata docs were quite clear on that fact that the default configuration is a “showcase configuration”, not a “production ready configuration”!

    It’s really meant to show off all features to new users, who then can pick what they actually want. Great thing about disabling unimportant things is that one gets a lot more “history” for the same amount of storage need, cause there are simply less data points to track. Similar with adjusting the rate which it takes data points. For instance, going down from default 1s internal to 2s basically halfs the CPU requirement, even more so if one also disables the machine learning stuff.

    The one thing I have to admit though is that “optimizing netdata configs” really isn’t that quickly done. There’s just a lot of stuff it provides, lots of docs reading to be done until one roughly gets a feel for configuring it (i.e. knowing what all could be disabled and how much of a difference it actually makes). Of course, there’s always a potential need for optimizations later on when one sees the actual server load in prod.

  • bellsDoSing@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlKDE 6 FOR ARCH LINUX IS HEREEEEEEE
    6 months ago

    Same here! Been using manjaro for more than 5 years by now on all my dev machines and I really like not being overrun by updates.

    Once you form the habit of checking latest “stable update” forum thread (the eqivalent of checking the arch frontpage before an upgrade) and check for potential “manual interventions” (if any), then it gives you suprisingly good stability. But it’s still rolling release and “pretty current”.

    And stability simply becomes more of a factor once your metaphorical “plate” becomes choke full and the last thing you want from your underlying OS is to act up on its own due to an update.

  • Coincidentally, I happen to have been reading into SEO more in depth this week. Specifically official SEO docs by google:


    To be clear, SEO isn’t about tricking search engines per se. First and foremost it’s about optimizing a given website so that the crawling and indexing of the website’s content is working well.

    It’s just that various websites have tried various “tricks” over time to mislead the crawling, indexing and ultimately the search engine ranking, just so their website comes up higher and more often than it should based on its content’s quality and relevancy.

    Tricks like:

    • keyword stuffing
    • hidden content just visible to crawlers

    Those docs linked above (that link is just part of much more docs) even mention many of those “tricks” and explicitely advise against them, as it will cause websites to be penalized in their ranking.

    Well, at least that’s what the docs say. In the end it’s an “arms race” between search engines and trickery using websites.

  • Depends on the specific plugin. I’ve been doing music production on Linux for several years now. Back then things looked a lot worse than now. Most popular bridge solution for Windows plugins on Linux is yabridge atm. The README is well worth a closer read, cause it will answer many questions on how to get even more modern plugins to display correctly (i.e. JUCE based ones).

  • You didn’t mention how big those volumes are and how frequently the data changes.

    Assuming it’s not that much data:

    • use tar to archive each volume first, while using proper options to preserve permissions and whatever else is important for your usecase
    • use restic to backup those archives
    • use a proper pruning strategy to not let your backups get too big:
      • I’m not that familiar with restic, but maybe you can backup those archives separately and apply a more aggressive pruning strategy just for them
      • simply might be needed, cause deduplication (AFAIK) might not be that great with backing up archives
      • but maybe if the volume data and the resulting archive doesn’t change that often, deduplication would be sufficient even with a not so aggressive pruning strategy

  • Nobody can tell you in advance how far your interest in game dev will take you. Only one way to find out: start small (some tutorials, build some crappy first) and see if your interest sticks around as you up the challange.

    Maybe game dev in Godot will end up being a significant chapter in your life, maybe it will just be a small sidequest. But once you’ve given it an honest try, no matter the outcome, you at least will know if it’s something for you or not. That in itself is already worth something.

    And who knows: maybe Godot is just your entry gateway to something else you discover along the way, which you wouldn’t have discovered if you hadn’t taken on the challange in the first place.