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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Great comment. We have the same thing here in Australia with tobacco laws. The most recent change was to ban almost all branding on cigarette packaging. They’re not allowed to use fonts, slogans, logos, or colours, just the brand name in plain text on a standard brown-green box.

    The logic being that branding makes a product more attractive to a consumer. Make it duller and less people will buy it.

    Tobacco companies fought it tooth and nail. Kept arguing it wouldn’t stop people from smoking. Well then why are you lobbying so hard against it? Obviously the only reason they will ever fight anything is because they think it will hurt their revenue. So whatever they oppose, I support.

  • What you said is often true but not always. Some communities prefer person-first language, some prefer identity first language.

    For example, generally speaking, “autistic people” is preferred over “people with autism”. The reasoning being “this is just part of who I am, it’s not an affliction that I have.”

    I’m not autistic but I have lots of friends who are, and they all prefer to say “I’m autistic” rather than “I have autism”.

    Like you said, it’s best to ask, or just copy the language that the person uses for themself.

  • You misunderstand. Larian is the company that made the BG3 video game, and they haven’t laid people off.

    However it’s a licensed game. Baldur’s Gate and D&D are IPs that are owned by a company called Wizards of Coast. And Wizards is owned by Hasbro. Hasbro is forcing layoffs at Wizards, specifically on the D&D team because it doesn’t print money as efficiently as say, Magic the Gathering does.

    The people at Wizards, i.e the people who actually make D&D are no doubt passionate wonderful people. But Hasbro (and probably some of the Wizards management) are awful corporate parasites determined to suck every last penny from their properties.

    They don’t give a shit how loved a product is, if it’s not making $100M per year then it’s basically worthless to them and they won’t fund it. So layoffs happen.

  • It can be hard. Honestly I got pretty lucky in that I was able to find lots of good people through work. There are good and bad parts to the industry I work in, I got hired by a company with a really strong culture that matched what I was looking for. So I was surrounded by a ton of people with similar values and overlapping interests.

    Without that, I think mostly it’s about trial and error. If you’re struggling to find the right people, you need to be brave enough to keep putting yourself out there, and to walk away from groups that just aren’t a good match. Like I said, not easy!

  • Bit of a left field suggestion but one thing that really helps is finding your people.

    In my younger years I sometimes really struggled with casual conversation, I often felt like I was the weird guy who had nothing to say.

    It turned out that was only really true when I was spending a lot of time with people with whom I had very little in common. As I got older I eventually found “my people”. Friends who I click with, who I share values and interests with, who communicate similarly to me.

    It’s not about finding people who are just copies of you, that would be pretty boring and make for a real social echo chamber. You want a range of friends with different interests, from different walks of life. But you want them to be, for lack of a better term “compatible” with you.

    If you happen to be neurodivergent then that adds a whooooole extra layer of complexity to conversational compatibility. There’s a stereotype that autistic people are awkward or socially inept, which is complete rubbish. They just communicate differently to neurotypicals. Put a bunch of similar autistic people in a room together and watch them have no trouble at all making conversation with each other, in their own style.

    Anyway, maybe this isn’t relevant to you, and you’re already happy with the people in your life. But it’s worth taking the time to examine whether the reason you struggle to make conversation is because you’re trying to make it with the wrong people.

  • Against the Storm! It’s a city builder / roguelike mashup.

    I.e., you start a new city, build it up, try to meet objectives and citizen demands before the inevitable, overwhelming storm eventually comes and wipes everything out. Then you do it all again, but better, using whatever new cool stuff you unlocked from the last cycle.

    The faster you work, the more dangerous the environment becomes. But build too slowly and you won’t get enough done before the storm arrives. So you have to balance growth vs caution when building.

    Each run you have different resources and buildings available so your city always evolves differently and it doesn’t get stale. The vibes are impeccable as well, it’s moody and ominous yet somehow cozy at the same time.

    Highly recommend it. This is a pretty decent run down: https://youtu.be/8SVw2ZJ73N0?si=4dcZEvyTjW_7qCbR