crime [she/her, any]

be gay do crime

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • it’s part of my job to think about this for companies, and you’d think that would make me feel confident in my ability to create a robust backup system with failsafes for all of these logins. instead i’m hyper-aware of how screwed I’d be with loss of access to any given point of failure and constantly anxious about it, bc it takes a literal team of people to set up and maintain that sort of thing

    twice as bad if you’re concerned about data privacy or opsec. like sometimes the options are “give my phone number to some company i inherently don’t trust” or “accept the risk that it will be impossible to recover this account if I lose access to my email address”

  • tbf the nyc subway is extremely convoluted and unintuitive to use compared to more civilized metros, lots of arcane rules like “only the first 3 cars can fit in this station so if you want to get off there you better remember where in the train you are” or “trains with prime numbers only stop at every other station during rush hour” which are never posted anywhere. It’s like the least beginner-friendly metro of any on earth, even ones where the beginner doesn’t speak the local language.

    that said it’s still not that hard, you buy a ticket, you try to get on the right train, and worst-case you end up 20 blocks away from your destination and try again

  • Worst one since I cut ties with my family was my worst-ever flare up of stress-induced GI issues that turned into intermittent vomiting episodes lasting from christmas eve until I went to the ER on new year’s day a few hours after midnight, ruined a little roadtrip my fiancee and I planned. Plus my work had just switched (worsened) our health insurance providers (effective at midnight jan 1) so getting that sorted out was a nightmare too.

    Ones with my family idr, really. The norm was a mess of alcohol, gaslighting, and badly-veiled contempt for everyone (present, not present, unfortunate enough to be a stranger passing by, etc) usually with extremely disorienting travel involved. Even the cyclical vomiting is preferable.