What if we, like, intentionally infected people with a weakened version of the virus in order to train their immune systems to fight it? We could just squirt a bit right into their arms with a pointy tipped syringe, and it’d only take a few seconds…
What if we, like, intentionally infected people with a weakened version of the virus in order to train their immune systems to fight it? We could just squirt a bit right into their arms with a pointy tipped syringe, and it’d only take a few seconds…
That was always the surest sign I’d really pissed off a RWNJ. Good times
Funny thing about that is nobody at work looks twice if I’m leaning back and obviously doomscrolling on my phone, but spend fifteen minutes on Codewars and every person who walks by my desk is all suspicious…
I got a 3 day sitewide suspension, and (very surprisingly) a permaban from /r/fuckthealtright for calling a story about an Infowars employee getting murdered “uplifting.”
The book is a “mix of out-of-date and previously reported claims about the company and false accusations about our executives,” a Meta spokesman, Andy Stone, said in a statement.
Asshole implying misdeeds can only be reported on once, and they must be recent, otherwise they just don’t count? Fuck off…
I mean, if immigrants are being sent to an El Salvadorian prison, that’s pretty much a death sentence anyway…
What makes you think they’d give us voting rights? You never heard of Puerto Rico?
That already happened back in 2020 when Fox called the election for Biden. MAGATs melted down, called Fox “radical leftists” and vowed to give their views to even more regressive outlets.
Literal concentration camp.