Morea & achea have the hexamilion moat & crimea’s just launched out to sea
Morea & achea have the hexamilion moat & crimea’s just launched out to sea
What sits particularly strange to me is democrats that are against capital execution, but for vigilante killings. Any argument to be made against capital execution is a hundredfold true for vigilante execution.
Gonna shill for war of the chosen real quick:
WotC fixes a lot of serious integral problems in the base game. In my opinion, XCOM enemy unknown is better than XCOM 2, but WotC easily beats both. So if you’ve heard bad things about XCOM 2, then keep in mind it’s probably fixed in WotC.
Absolutely. I’m a ddi engineer. NTP plays a huge part in my work. Systems, including ntp, are designed to handle leap seconds. Negative leap seconds are uncharted territory. I could go off on a long rant about it, but I doubt people care that much. It’s really dry stuff.
dealing with time
Network engineer here, it’s just as bad here. Currently trying to figure out what to do with ‘gaining’ a negative leap second. In 2025, we may lose one for the first time in digital history.
"I hate crackheads
I hate crackheads"