• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Part of the issue is that Donald Trump isn’t using these words in any factual sense, but in a purely rhetorical sense. He is utilizing them as boogeyman terms to scare people away from Harris. It doesn’t matter that’s it’s not factually correct because average people don’t know otherwise.

    That brings me to the other part of the issue, which is fascism is notoriously difficult to pin down. Umberto Eco talks about this in his essay Ur-Fascism. He notes that fascism isn’t actually dependent on one or two attributes, such as complete totalitarianism, or support of capital, and doesn’t necessarily have a single religious philosophy. He notes historical examples of things like anticapitalist fascism, religious fascism, atheist fascism, etc.

    Still he notes 14 qualities that are typically associated with fascism

    • The Cult of Tradition
    • Rejection of Modernism
    • The Cult of Action for Action’s Sake
    • Disagreement is Treason
    • Fear of Difference
    • Appeal to a Frustrated Middle Class
    • Obsession with a Plot
    • The Enemy is Both Strong and Weak
    • Pacifism is Trafficking with the Enemy
    • Contempt for the Weak
    • Everybody is Educated to Become a Hero
    • Machismo
    • Selective Populism
    • Newspeak

    Much of these are relevant to Trump’s campaign, even more than I had anticipated. Definitely give it a listen or check out the Wikipedia page, it’s a worthwhile half hour just to hear the perspective of someone who actually lived through Italian fascism.

  • The adjustment period is real. I was showering twice a day when I stopped shampooing, because my hair (lots of it, but fine and not coarse) got greasy quick. After a few weeks, it normalized. I can shower once a day now. I still wash it by running my fingers and water through it over and over, so it doesn’t smell. I still have a somewhat dry scalp though, it didn’t really fix that. Don’t really have dandruff, but if I scratch my scalp a bunch or use a comb directly on it several times, I’ll have to rinse the dandruff out.

  • Same, although I’ve been going for longer than two years. Honestly, I cant really remember when I stopped use shampoo. But if I don’t shower for a day, it starts looking a little greasy. I have lots of straight fine hair, run the water and my fingers through it rigorously in the shower, and then I come out, scrunch it with the towel (dont rub, it will break the hair fibers) and then air dry. Get compliments on my hair all the time.

    As for smell, it just smells like hair. It can get slightly more pungent if I dont shower, but otherwise it just smells like me. Every once in a while I ask my full-poo GF to check if my hair smells because my own noseblindness, and she hasn’t told me to go shower yet.

    Definitely when you go from poo to no-poo, your hair is extra greasy. I don’t know the science behind it, but it seems to over produce oils and takes a couple weeks to normalize. During that period I was showering once in the morning and once at night, again running my fingers and water through my hair for ~2-3 minutes straight. After a while my hair didnt get so greasy.

    When I use soap or shampoo, my hair loses all of its body and shine doesn’t go back to normal for a day or so.

    I imagine for some people this works, but for others it doesn’t. I do feel a little weird when people ask me what my “secret” is and I’m literally like “yeah just don’t wash it lol”

  • jwiggler@sh.itjust.workstoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    26 days ago

    I would recommend reading or listening to Noam Chomsky’s Understanding Power. It is a compilation of several of his Q and As about his ideas about the US political and media systems. He has a whole book about the media called Manufacturing Consent, but Understanding Power will give you the lowdown.

    Essentially, all mainstream US media is beholden to capitalistic (for advertising) or state (for funding) forces, so a person should always be aware that news sources are never going to print something that is against its own interest. Things like LGBTQ rights and right to abortion don’t put news outlets sources of money at risk, so they’re safe to print, but you’d be hard-pressed to find something that challenges, for example, the military industrial complex.

    I’m not doing it much justice but that’s a very very general and incomplete jist of why it’s good to be skeptical of the mainstream media in general.

  • it’s mostly political

    Oh I gotcha. Interesting. I don’t follow FSF or GNU or anything, do you know if they tend to be antagonistic toward nonfree devs who still try to be as free as possible? Honestly, I read the Stallman quote about FreeBSD in this thread, and a statement from GNU that acknowledges the impracticality of their philosophy, and I kinda agree with their ethical takes. Except, I also think people should be able to install nonfree software, because otherwise you have a pretty bad dilemma with the word “free.”

    Ultimately, if they are actively antagonistic toward those who don’t share that philosophy, I think that’s not great. Sure, free software according to the GNU project may be the only ethical one, but we live in a culture that promotes the exact opposite idea, so why would I be surprised and upset when an otherwise ethically acting person doesn’t conform to my own ethical framework, and they go on and create nofree software. I’m still going to get a beer with that person because at the end of the day we probably have common values and how else am I going to sell them the idea free software

  • jwiggler@sh.itjust.workstoOpen Source@lemmy.mlWhy is GrapheneOS against GNU?
    30 days ago

    I’m afraid to ask this because I’m not a dev, but I have a fair amount of linux experience. Why is it that the ability to install Google Play Services on GrapheneOS makes it not FOSS/open source, while the ability to install Google Chrome (or any proprietary software, I guess) on Linux doesn’t make is non-FOSS/open source?

    I’m not articulating that question very well, and I’m assuming I’m missing some key component, but they seem comparable to me, as a regular user. Is it something like the level of access that GPServices has to the kernel?

  • As in, they’d all have to come to a consensus on one candidate other than Biden, and that’s just not a likely thing to happen without Biden stepping aside voluntarily.

    I just don’t see the DNC changing rules to choose someone besides Biden, even if that is technically possible. I could see them adding rules for what happens to delegates if a presumptive nominee steps aside before the convention. But hey, I’m a regular person who read a single article on DNC rules and listens to NPR Politics Podcast. Those kinds of analyses aren’t going to delve too far into the, “well, what if the DNC changes the rules, holds a mini primary without Biden, etc, etc.” because they either think they aren’t likely, or because it is simply too early to tell which way things will move as of today.

  • It does matter if Biden decides to stay in. It makes it far less likely the DNC is able to replace him, because the delegates are already pledged to him, and as far as I understand, in order to replace him they’d need a clear alternative singular candidate to nominate. Plus, they’d need to stop Biden from reviewing and selecting a loyal slate of delegates from each state who will certainly vote for him. It’d be much much more likely if Biden steps down and himself calls for a 5 or 6 week primary. My source, if you want to check it out. There’s a chance I’m misinterpreting but I think that’s the jist of it.

    As for those people rigorously defending Biden, I don’t necessarily think they’re automatically pro-Israel. They’re scared, for sure, as we all are. And they’ve probably bought some of, if not all, the Democratic posturing that Biden is just fine, and other writers’ sentiments that doing something like changing the nominee last-minute will be a disaster because it is unprecedented, and so they double down. Like a superfan in sports who is in complete denial that their team has a glaring weakness and probably won’t make it out of the playoffs. You see it all the time. I won’t ever hold it against those people, because it’s easy to be in that state, especially if you love your team. Plus, if you logic it out with them, sometimes they come around and end up seeing the roster change was actually needed. I don’t think deriding them gives them a chance to see your side.

  • There are actual congress-people talking about a mini primary for Democrats, and that by having something like that right now is going to dominate national news for the party, which right before an election is really good thing. Democrats could even spin it as “We’re listening to you-- you want a younger candidate? We’re gonna give you one,” rather than “We are in complete disarray regarding this upcoming election.” Regardless, whichever nominee makes it out of those is going to have plenty of name recognition by the end of it.

    This is not a ridiculous or far-fetched notion, it is being spit-balled right now by congresspeople. Everything hinges on Biden, so we’ll just have to see how his polls look like next week, if any other major voices join in the calls for him to step aside, and how the crises meetings in Congress go.

    But Im not sure how people downvoting you are so confident in Biden or why they’re so baffled about this whole thing. Like, “Who’s could possibly be the nominee of it’s not Biden?” Oh I dunno, one of the 15 names national news outlets have been proposing for the last week?

  • No game has ever affected me as much as Outer Wilds. Out of every life changing piece of art I’ve ever experienced, whether it be film, television, music, literature, or videogames, this is the first and only time I’ve ever gotten chills by the end.

    The story isn’t super deep and it isn’t necessarily profound – it’s not really a belief-changer, outside of, perhaps, your idea of what a videogame is – but the experience itself is beautiful and rewarding and I’m not sure it can be recaptured.