Liar. You’ll have to nymshift again. [blocked]
I study the arcane, whatever that happens to be or become :: 1A :: ❄️🍑
#Bible #Christ #liberty #freedom #truth #simplelife #mountains
#usenet #nntp #math #algorithms #ciphers #codes #crypto #retro #neo
#ancient #archives #usenet #OldSchool #arcane #puzzles #mystery
#neologisms #WordGames #WordCrimes #WordPlay #etymology #philology
#sarcasm #poems #quips #quotes #anagrams #snark #roasts #boasts
This instance hides the number of followers and followees.
Liar. You’ll have to nymshift again. [blocked]
Liar. The nym-shifty trolls (you) are tiring. You’ll have to nymshift again. [blocked]
Gun control laws work for people of low intelligence or low moral character. A criminal of middling intelligence can get guns anywhere in the world. These criminals clearly were not very smart. They were impulsive and short-sighted, which is why they would not be able to get guns.
The proper word for disarmed people is : SLAVE.
If you are not allowed to be armed, you are a slave. You are not free. You can mealy-mouth it all you want with nonsensical and false political rhetoric, or try to massage the lie with statistics, or whatever. But the fact remains that a man who is disarmed is slave to the man who is armed. The armed man is allowed to easily kill you if you don’t submit to his commands, and that is slavery. Just because the masters put a cute tin star and hat on the slavers, doesn’t change the nature of what they are: SLAVERS.
“Those who beat their swords into plowshares plow for those who didn’t.”
Someone has declared themself your master, and told their slave, ‘thou shalt not resist by force, the force we force upon you; thou shalt call this, freedom, safety, and law.’
Many slaves love their slavery. They have a word for it : FREEDOM. These ‘freedom’ loving slaves desire to force their ‘freedom’ on others, using officers with guns to do it. How do they do this? Why, they beg their master government to use guns, to impose this unarmed state of ‘freedom’ on everyone else. So those arguing for gun control aren’t arguing for gun control. They are arguing for men with guns to control other people without guns and keep them that way. There is a word for this: HYPOCRISY.
Advocates of gun control are against violence, unless it is state thugs doing the violence to people they don’t like. Then they are pro-violence all day, every day, praising the violence their police do to others in the name of their slavery racket.
A police officer is a weapon.
A soldier is a weapon.
These are weapons wielded by the state that kill vastly more victims than common criminals with guns or blades. VASTLY MORE by massive orders of magnitude.
People are intimidated by the tools when they should be concerned about the weapons.
#Guns #Knives #Police #Military #State #Imperialism #EthnicCleansing #Genocide
This gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “f*** around and find out.” Brutal.
What is it with these perps carrying machetes? A machete is for toting around in the woods and brush, not downtown. And threatening police with a machete is a real stupid move and removes all sympathy for the suspect. Just dumb.
On the same site a Canadian suspect fled across the border into USA and was captured by the Washington State Patrol. This genius also had a machete. What gives?
Thanks for letting us know you have access. A friendly mercenary may be black-bagging you for a Cadillac ride shortly.
I grant you absolution my son.
“Let them eat cake” is a very old journalist meme about government indifference to the horrible suffering it causes to the impoverished people.
“Let them eat cake” is the traditional translation of the French phrase “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”, said to have been spoken in the 18th century by “a great princess” upon being told that the peasants had no bread. The phrase “let them eat cake” is conventionally attributed to Marie Antoinette, although there is no evidence that she ever uttered it, and it is now generally regarded as a journalistic cliché. The French phrase mentions brioche, a bread enriched with butter and eggs, considered a luxury food. The quote is taken to reflect either the princess’s frivolous disregard for the starving peasants or her poor understanding of their plight.
Like many other memes and political slogans, it is falsely attributed to someone who actually didn’t say it.
So we have gone from, “Let them eat cake” to “Make them eat cake [bugs]” as a political meme used by journalists and agitators to promote an agenda of faux resistance.
Maybe Canada will give the bankers and stock traders more thievingsraum?
In essence Trump is trolling, and people are falling for it. The distraction campaign is working.
This ‘outrage’ trolling is being used as a starting point for constant recycling of political and economic talking points.