And you call me propagandized… No, people in jail aren’t disappeared because they lost their right to talk to the press. No, there is not a global network of secret police arresting Chinese people. No, China is not alone in blocking travel to their country for hate speech or other bigotry.
If you believe these things, and you seriously see no problem with them, you aren’t able to speak on politics. It’d be like discussing consent with a Mormon or physics with a flat earther… I mean seriously, a global network of secret police stations in other countries? Complete control of the speech of 1,400,000,000 humans?
This is as ridiculous as the ‘Jewish new world order’ stuff a lot of you people believe
Yes, it’s so much better when one group of bigots burn books than a larger group of bigots burn more books.
I guess this is the lesser evil you guys keep voting for, just a little book burning and hate speech, as a compromise.
Just a pro tip, if you are ever on the side of people burning books, you’re in the wrong.