What other problems left to solve? Right, let’s change the logo.
What other problems left to solve? Right, let’s change the logo.
Oh wow. SUSE family of distribution is relatively small footprint. Whole story sounds like “splitting the hair”. The only reasonable explanation is that SUSE hired some self-glorified marketer from big corp. omg…
That’s why I use OwnCloud. OCIS, specifically.
I too wanted to rock Debian with ZFS. Had to go Ubuntu due to better ZFS support.
Just checked Forge. Seems like repo had been archived 2 days ago. Ouch… I was so hopeful. Maintaining a FOSS project is a lot of work. I am very grateful to all the devs that are doing it. Thisagain reminds thatwe need to donate and support greatdevs. Couldn’t help but notice the pattern. Bismuth / KDE, Forge / Gnome.