They would never do that, their Americans not far left socialist nazis liberals.
They would never do that, their Americans not far left socialist nazis liberals.
Not one of them are wearing suits, how disrespectful.
That headline is some brand new sentence material.
This is like a one in a million chance, but…
Same here, just got the message earlier this morning. I feel blessed…to have the ability to block accounts.
I know a ton of people died, and countless more where hurt, and it hurt the economy, but as an introvert hermit, GOD DO I MISS LOCKDOWN.
I do my best to keep up the life style, but I’m still expected to go into the office every once in a while for my wasted day as we all call it.
“Couldn’t fit a steam turbine in a calculator.”
Not with that attitude you can’t.
Nintendo, isn’t that the law firm with a game console side business?
Oh that’s a good one!
Well in my defense I was a young kid and I was left unattended so I could be indoctrinated by the media to believe cooperation was happening.
I just want to try and find a peaceful way to bring about change, because I fear the only way to make things better will be us having to suffer though a bloody civil war and decades of domestic terrorism from the losers.
The Streisand effect, the best free promotion you can ask for.
Ugh, the updates…my work PC is Win 11, I got an email from IT last night telling me I had to install the latest update I had been putting off. This morning after I clocked out I started the update. I have 500 down and it took almost 2 hours to download and 3 hours later the installation is only at 53%. I’m just going to go to bed and hope it’s done by the time I have to clock in tonight.
And my coworkers wonder why I prefer Linux…
I guess I’m just stuck in the 90’s mindset of trying to find compromise. I know that idea was on the decline then, but I still, maybe foolishly, hold on to it.
I could put on an Aerosmith record before I knew how to put my Disney VHS tapes in the VCR, of course then my older cousin brought over her Master of Puppets album and I fell in love with thrash. As she still likes to remind me, “I turned you into a metal head before you were out of diapers”. I still love the classics too BTW.
I have been approaching this from a middle of the ground standpoint. Basically I know that a large enough percentage of Americans would reject this as “evil socialism” so putting caps on the government industry at first would be a Trojan horse to get a footing and get society comfortable with the idea.
Ultimately I would like to see companies have to compete with government offered products and services, but I just don’t see it being feasible in our current political climate. Sadly I think it will either take generational change to get it done, or a more kinetic change that would harm the country and take far longer to recover from.
I have been approaching this from a middle of the ground standpoint. Basically I know that a large enough percentage of Americans would reject this as “evil socialism” so putting caps on the government industry at first would be a Trojan horse to get a footing and get society comfortable with the idea.
Ultimately I would like to see companies have to compete with government offered products and services, but I just don’t see it being feasible in our current political climate. Sadly I think it will either take generational change to get it done, or a more kinetic change that would harm the country and take far longer to recover from.
Ok, now that I’ve had a bit of sleep (,3rd shifter here) how about the government owns the fiber a sells access to the for profit companies. But there is no monopolies so there is competition and every company is required to offer a basic package that is low cost and has enough bandwidth for the average work from home video meeting. Oh yeah, and no data caps.
After that they can increase prices and offer more services. And if somewhere like farm country isn’t being served by any of the for profit companies, then the government corporation could set up an ISP and serve those citizens.
I get what you’re saying, but government fiber speeds could be capped, products wouldn’t be high end, ect.
I am by no means an economist, or an expert in these matters, and I apologize if I was presenting as those I was. I just feel like you should put those kind of ideas out there for others to iterate on.
While I disagree with those that feel differently, that’s what this country is supposed to be about, finding a middle ground in differing opinions. Sadly we seem to have largely lost that mentality.
Yep, I’ve got a buddy in another country that I needed to share a group of files with, it was several gigs and we were both editing things.
We setup a syncthing connection and once we were synced it just worked. I also use it on my LAN to sync personal files, but to share with him we both just set up a folder and I just shared that one folder with him while the rest of my shares stayed private on the LAN.
Syncthing is amazing.