If you remember those, you are now a depressed anxious wreck with a decimated attention span.
If you remember those, you are now a depressed anxious wreck with a decimated attention span.
How do you disable YouTube shorts?
As for your question, boredom isn’t a bad thing. Have you tried using that time for meditation/introspection?
If you want your shirt to be buttoned all the way to the top, I would recommend pairing it with a tie. In addition, I might consider a lighter shirt as the overall outfit is pretty dark.
Don’t stress it too much though, your outfit is perfectly fine! Go ahead and kill it!
Urim has been Israeli since the country came into existence, so I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. Unless your position is that all of Israel is occupied territory, in which case I invite you to take a look at what Palestinians did the moment they gained power over Jewish civilians and imagine that scene repeated across Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.
Why did you bother writing 500 words in response to a website that exists to sell sex toys on Black Friday?
DIY EV kits are a thing, but a quick google shows some wildly varying prices. Probably depends on exactly what kind of car you are trying to refit and the performance you’re looking for.
Meme of guy looking at two buttons:
“Psychology is junk science!”
“This confirms my biases!”
There is a riddles sublemmy, just fyi!
At least for me, its a threshold problem. The internet means that staying at home is always going to be at least somewhat interesting, which makes it a lot harder to take a gamble on a random late night outing. It’s not just staying out late, either—Gen Z shows declines in a whole host of risky behaviors. Smoking, alcohol, drug use, teen pregnancy, are all way down in our generation. In some sense, we’ve found a drug that we prefer to actual drugs.
Age verification for pornography has something like a 70% approval rating. It’s not a religious extremism issue, it’s a “normies don’t want or care about their freedoms issue”.
Good meme. Not the most original concept and certainly a bit late, but the indirect reference requires a bit of thought to parse and sets this one apart from the crowd.
Holy fucking shit
Edit: Article was disappointing, unfortunately. A roundup of preliminary analyses, including a supercomputer simulation, a Russian amateur claiming to have synthesized it, and a Chinese lab confirming the study. Given the fact that others are having difficulty replicating this, and the other drama surrounding the discovery I’m going to need better proof than this before getting really excited.
This has always been easy for me because my favorite movie is “Speed Racer” which has like a 40% on Rotten Tomatoes.
A movie that was genuinely before its time. Would fit right in these days with “Barbie” and “Everything Everywhere All At Once”.
That is so, so cool.
For the record, this has more to do with Argentine financial mismanagement and China’s “expansive” fiscal policy than with the dedollarization that the headline is trying to imply.
Yes, extreme violence+ethnic cleansing efforts can lead to the emergence of stable national identities. This process could be applied on a global scale to give you the results you are looking for.