If I’m not mistaken, the depression indicator is gaming less, not more, when gaming regularly is your hobby.
If I’m not mistaken, the depression indicator is gaming less, not more, when gaming regularly is your hobby.
I see what you’re saying and understand that criminals have poor judgment, especially long term.
I still think that there is a natural idea of consequences, even if latent. If no consequences, the only thing about getting caught is having to do whatever thing you’re doing again, ie losing time.
I’m all about scientific research, especially when it goes against the grain, but the idea of getting caught being a bigger deterrent than the punishment is just, weird?
If there is no punishment, why would you be afraid to be caught?
Biomagnification is a thing, but people still eat tons of carnivores, like fish.
Eg for biomagnification is tuna has a high amount of mercury.
Believe it or not, animal crossing is meant to be played in small batches once you get to late game, if that’s even a thing in AC lol.
Can we be friends?
The people in here complaining about getting a full campaign along with PvE and PvP updates over two years for $60 are the reason we’re in this free-to-play, season pass, paid cosmetic hellscape.
Sonic Racing All-Stars Transformed sounds like it’d be up your alley.
Anecdotally, it’s not even a solution. I’ve run into “coincidental” ads without having the FB app installed (visiting FB via browser).
For many, many folk, it is simply cal in vs out.
If you’ve some condition that affects metabolism, then yes, that sort of advice is not the best.
Not only that, it’d be better to ask the kid why oxygen tanks are needed on spacecraft, then ask why we don’t need them here on earth.
It’s a weird post, in general.
Professional Halo player. Signed a contract to play, but never got the chance to play the following season.
100% achievements in Celeste.
For me, it’s free and I haven’t played since blops 2, so it’s kinda cool.
This is absolutely true and so easy to do. You can also bring as many dry snacks as you want.
The seamless interaction between objects is sublime. There are so many times where you’re like “I wonder if…” and the game handles your guess without any hiccups.
Ok, I concede to LA. One out of how many games, then?
Game freak doesn’t count lol. They are terribly made games lol.
First party Nintendo games maintain value forever. This is not exclusive to the switch.
None of the first party games are slow or laggy.
Online is nothing special. Splatoon 3 plays great, though.
First party games and indie games are the only great reasons to own a switch and if you stick to those guns, most everything you said doesn’t hold water.
I think that this problem is similar to the monkeysphere: there are too many issues and problems for us to worry about, so we typically pick the problems that are closest to us and most solvable.
This is basically the same idea that someone else mentioned in this thread.