Keelah Se’lai.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’ve worked retail, office jobs, call center jobs and warehouse jobs. I made an office ‘friend’ in two of those jobs. One who id grab drinks with outside of work and another who id chat to via text occasionally. But as our jobs changed and lives moved on. So did we.

    I don’t feel the need to be forced into social situations, people are tiring and there’s better things I could spend my time on that being shoved into a room with co-works who I have no interest in talking to and have no interest in talking to me.

    Both my best friends are long distance friends. I’ve known one for 13 years, we’ve met up once. And one for 9 years who I’ve never met in person. And they’re the best friends I’ve ever had. If they have issues, I’m right there via text or call to help. Same if I have issues. We send eachother gifts for birthdays/ Christmas, or just because. The 9 year friend and I do a book trade and recommend eachother things we think the other would like (not just book recommendations).

    My partner and I have been together for almost 2 years now, we live in different countries. And it’s honestly the best relationship I’ve ever had. Not because of the distance, we visit eachother multiple times a year. But the distance also isn’t an issue.

    So long distance friendships/ relationships can work.

    Just because some people need that face to face interaction, doesn’t mean everyone else does. Especially when it’s forced by a workplace. If it was to meet up with a friend, I’m sure it would be more welcomed. But being made to meet up with co-workers who aren’t friends/ close with, that sounds miserable. Being made to do something you don’t want to do/ aren’t interested in is never fun. Ever try get a teenager to clean their room? Often not very high on their list because it’s something they don’t want to do. The same can be said for social events with co-workers for a lot of people.

  • thepixelfox@kbin.socialtomemes@lemmy.worldIf it fits, I sits
    7 months ago

    Nowhere in your link didn’t it mention sex toys cause a rectal prolapse. So maybe link something appropriate.

    Also, people generally don’t start straight up shoving huge sex toys into their orifices. It’s built up and if it’s a problem then they stop.

    Personally, I don’t want anything that big near me. But if others want to, it their bodies, they’re free to do whatever they want.

    The air we breathe causes our cells to degrade which results in aging and death.
    Smoking is bad for you.
    Junk food.
    Skydiving could kill you.
    But it’s not our place to police what people do with their own bodies. If they want to snort coke off a hookers ass, then that’s their choice.
    If someone wants a giant dick in their ass or vag, that’s also their choice. If they cause issues for their own bodies, they’re the ones making the choice knowing any risks. It does affect you, so why are you all up in people’s business that doesn’t affect you?

    Stop trying to police people’s bodies and what they do with them.

  • You assume that because I play games that I’m a young boy?
    I’m a woman in her 30s. Ive been playing games since I was 4. Ive played sega, Nintendo, playstation, Xbox and pc games. I also play d&d.
    I play a wide range of games from Pokémon, Zelda, animal crossing to doom, overwatch, diablo, the dark pictures games, Alan wake, baldurs gate, mass effect, slay the spire.
    I’m not playing due to corporate manipulation. I play because I want to play, because I enjoy engaging my brain and being able to focus on something fun. So please, continue to shit on things people enjoy instead of actually focusing on the things you enjoy.

  • I’m a die hard Nintendo fan. Been playing Nintendo since I was like 4.
    Pokémon is one of my favourite gaming series ever.
    However, I also play games that are basically Pokémon but with a different name. So long as there’s not actual copyright being broken, who cares? Pokémon is an insanely successful franchise, if other companies want to try using the idea for their games in hopes of success. Go for it! It’s fun seeing all the variants.
    I get why people hate seeing their favourite game ‘ripped off’, but if Nintendo see it as an issue, they’ll deal with it themselves. People need to chill out, I’m pretty sure Nintendo are capable of fighting their own battles. It’s not like they’re a small company of 10 people who might of not seen the game.

  • Me and my partner were playing overwatch, the other team had a roadhog who was tearing through us and constantly typing ‘ez’.
    So me and my partner switched characters to counter, you know, as you’re supposed to.
    Then we steamrolled that team and hog was then screeching ‘try hards!’
    Like seriously dude. Take the L and just leave quietly. Or switch character to counter us?

  • I’m an introvert. And was as a child too. Talking to friends via msn messenger was my preference. If my mum had of removed my technology I’d of had no way of talking to my friends that was comfortable for me, it basically forces face to face social interaction if you want to talk to people.
    Which triggered an anxiety response and made me very tired.
    So I imagine banning tech from children will result in introverted children having to be in situations they don’t enjoy and not being able to feel comfortable communicating in ways they are comfortable.
    It could result in children just shutting themselves away because they dont enjoy the face to face. Which can result in depression. But forcing them to be uncomfortable in social situations can result in serious anxiety and even more discomfort in social situations, if you’re forced into something it can create more of a distaste for that situation/ thing.
    The times I was dragged to things with my mum, it made me hate parties etc all the more and my anxiety about them got worse.
    Whereas if it’s something I chose to do for myself, it had less of a negative effect on me than if it’s something I was forced into.
    So if introverted children prefer texting, messaging etc then you take that away from them, it can result in them having to do things they aren’t comfortable with, which can have an effect on mental health. As it’s forcing them into different things they don’t really want to be doing.

  • The rich are taxed. They pay way more than you do. They pay way more than the non rich people combined. The top 10 rich people pay more taxes than all the non rich people. So don’t come at me about taxes. Your tax contribution is basically nothing. Whereas they pay insane amounts.

    In my country. You pay 40% tax if you earn over 100k a year. Which isn’t even rich, but you basically give up nearly half your wage you work fkn hard for. So don’t try pull the tax bullshit.

  • I feel you. Me too.

    That’s why it’s good that people are donating to funds like these. Celebs donate big amounts. Even if it’s less that 1% of their worth. Who cares? It’s 10mil, that’s a lot of money and can do a lot of good.

    My point was, I notice the people who screech about celebs not donating enough either don’t donate themselves or wouldn’t even consider donating the percentage of their money that they feel these people should be donating. It’s hypocritical.

    The rock is a good person, he’s worked to get where he is. He’s entitled to his money just like every other Tom, dick and harry is.

    As much as I dislike shitty rich people, looking at you Elon, it’s still their money. And if we screech about how they should spend their money, it’s only fair that we can then be told how to use ours too. Would it be nice if people like him used money for good, yes of course. But end of the day, it’s their money to do with as they choose. And even a donation that isn’t huge to them, is huge to others in need. So it shouldn’t be complained about. It should be seen as good.