Following the other thread (550 upvotes and 366 comments at the moment:, one of the complaints that people had what that some communities only exist on and don’t have alternatives on other instances.

Let’s discuss this and see if we can organize together.

I suggest to have one topic per comment so that is is easier to discuss.

  • @EspiritdescaliA
    315 days ago

    We are not against it, but it needs careful consideration due to limited server resources as well as limited user attention (we are a very small instance compared to others)

      215 days ago

      We’re not sure how much additional traction we would drive to your server, but we don’t expect too much. It would mostly just be me and posting news stories and videos (hosted on YouTube) about self-driving technology with the occasional news story and video about robot chefs. So very much in line with Futurology.