Name something the Germans didn’t invent.
concentration camps
Nope. The Brits did that, in South Africa, iirc.
Oh, right. Somehow I only noticed the original post.
Germany actually did invent this. The brothers Wright only stuck an engine to it. The first glider that actually deserved its name was inveted by Otto Lilienthal. He died in it. Without his work, the Wright brothers would not have been able to build their plane.
Technically, the Wrights’ main contribution was the 3-axis steering mechanism, which is what made powered flight practical.
I agree. Lilienthal showed a proof of concept. The Wrights made it practical. As soon as aerodynamics was understood a bit better, there was enough lift, to move the whole elevator assembli to the back of the plane, but apart from that, the whole thing still is the most practical approach.
Schadenfreude. I mean they probably didn’t invent the feeling but I can give them credit for it along with the word.
" I also like hiraeth. It’s a Welsh concept of longing for home."
The rotary engine, also known as the Wankel engine
They also invented diesel fuel. Is the Wankel engine used anywhere now?
Yes. New Mazdas use one as a range extender. It’s shitty.
Everyone knows they invented the Haber-Bosch process. Pretty important shit.
And Haber of Haber-Bosch fame also invented using poisonous gas as a weapon in WW1.