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The original was posted on /r/learnjapanese by /u/Curse-of-omniscience on 2024-12-19 18:44:12+00:00.

I’ve been doing this for a while now, 1-2 years but I have more important studies that I have to do for work, which I do for as many hours as my motivation will let me everyday, and then I also have other hobbies, like online games, drawing, and lastly I study some japanese with the rest of my time. I do feel like I am driven by genuine curiosity and passion for the subject but at the same time I am starting to feel that I can’t really advance without japanese being my main activity that I do for hours everyday, and it can’t be because I have more important things to do. I don’t regret all that I’ve learned so far or the effort I put in. It’s a beautiful language. But I am really on the verge of quitting right now.