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The original was posted on /r/learnjapanese by /u/Eodis on 2024-12-22 08:38:07+00:00.

こんばんは japanese learners.

With the end of the year steam sales i’m considering to buy 1/2 games and this year i would like to make that purchase more useful and having games i can play in japanese. I’ll probably not have a decent answer in a game oriented subreddit so i make this topic here. I’m aware there are “lists” like the one from Game Gengo :

But i’m looking for more suggestions, and also while his list is pretty well done in the end it’s not targeted at gaming on PC/Steam and the list ends up not that big. I assume with more people giving their advice I’ll have a clearer answer. Visual Novels are probably one of the best material but i would also like to avoid them for now but still something dense enough for language learning. Japanese games are pretty expensive so i want to pick something with a decent amount of hours to play and/or replayability. So far i’m considering games like the new FF7 or monster hunter stories series. Tales of Arise for something cheaper. I’m probably missing out on a ton of games so i’d like to hear from you !

Thanks in advance.