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The original was posted on /r/learnjapanese by /u/Murky_Copy5337 on 2024-12-25 05:49:51+00:00.

I started learning Japanese in April of 2024. I totally failed the N4 test in December because I didn’t spend enough time studying as planned initially. I averaged about 1 hour a day learning Genki 1 and 2 and only reached Genki 2 lesson 16 when I took the test. I have 2 sessions per week with a Japanese teacher on Italki.

I am doubling my effort and hoping to maintain a 2 hours a day learning Japanese. 30 minutes for Grammar and then 1.5 to 2 hours listening and reading Satori Reader and Youtube videos. Progress is slow but I am hopeful. My family will go to Japan in the summer of 2026 for vacation. I hope to be able to communicate comfortably by then.

Edit: For those who are concerned about me burning out, I am pretty sure I will be Ok. I listen during driving, while waiting for my kids in Taekwondo class, everyday 1 hour before sleep. I also work from home so I am able to take 20 minute blocks to learn Japanese. I am using Anki. I only have 2 hobbies now. Golfing and learning Japanese.